gone blank, my doctor thinks i am showing all the signs of endo and i realy dont know what to expect or what to ask ,can anyone let me know what their experiance was like when they saw the gyno for the first time.
Hi ,hope you are all ok,i have my first a... - Endometriosis UK
Hi ,hope you are all ok,i have my first appointment with the gyno tomorrow,i have been trying to think of questions to ask but my head has

Hi, good luck tomorrow. I had quite a few questions for my Gynae Consultant but they were mostly based around the Laparoscopy I was being scheduled for. I think I'd be asking if you should have a transvaginal scan? He may be doing this anyway. On mine they found what they thought was a dermoid cyst and a haemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary but they turned out to be endometriomas in the Lap.
I would make sure you have all of your symptoms ready and info on your cycle. How long it is, how many days you bleed, do you have intermenstrual bleeding at all (I did) and on what days. What cycle day y are currently on.hope it goes well x
Yes I would definitely do that as when you're in the room you can forget - well, I do anyway. I'd let them know the severity of your symptoms.
Also might be an idea to have someone with you? My hubby always comes with me. It can be useful to have another pair of ears there too.
Yes my hubbie is coming with me just in case i forget something that has been said to me,it is so nice to be able to talk to some body that understands,and yes i forget aswell,i shall let you know how i get on, my appointment is at 9 so i think thats good as i wont have much time to worry.
I'll be thinking of you, yes, do let me know how it goes. I have only just been diagnosed with endo myself, although my mum has suspected I have had it for many years as I have always suffered so badly with my periods.
I'm 35 now and the past four months have been excruciating. I hope you have a fab Dr and get results. Take care xx
Hey Hun ask things about what treatments he recommends before operating
You may have already seen this, but just in case you haven't and for the benefit of others who may also be interested, the section on visiting the consultant for the first time is very helpful on the Endometriosis UK website. It offers lots of advice on things to ask at your appointment.
Hope this helps and wishing you all the best for your appointment.
Vanessa, Endometriosis UK
Like you've been told the most important thing is to have someone with you!
I'm 19, never been to a hospital before and had about 6 gyno appointments to attend in space of 2 weeks. It was horrible and I didn't ask not one question, hardly anything came out my mouth but then id get home and the questions would pile up. The good thing was I was able to call in and have chats.
I think its important to completely and clearly understand what is going to be done if surgery is suggested.
I heard the words surgery then did not hear anything else as was so upset, I had my lap on Friday and was not prepared for it!
Good luck x
how did you get on?
hi ,the gyno doesnt think its endo even tho my doc said i have the signs so the gyno has put me on tablets called LOESTRIN,but i cant quite get my head round at the moment,is it the pill, she also said she cant give me antthing to strong because of my age,do you know anything about these tablets,she has also given me some charts that i have to record what is happening for 2 months.
Do you mind me asking your age but I wonder what relevance that has to what medication you are prescribed. Unfortunately many people on here wait years for a proper diagnosis and get given tablets which hide or help with symptoms but doesn't help long-term. Did she say what she thought the problem was. Have you had a scan (internal) or laparoscopy?
No i dont mind i am 47,and the gyno said i am higher risk of developing blood clots and strokes. She thinks its hormonal even tho i had tests in august to check my hormone levels and they came back ok,also she gave me no answers to why i keep being sick and why i cant empty my bowels,so feeling a bit frustrated. I have had an ultra sound scan and that was ok.
Are you sick when your period is due or you get it or at other times too. Has gynea suggested three month back to back pill so you only get a period every three months which may be easier for your body. I have never tried this myself but I know some people on here have. I can't see the point of recording what is happening after you start medication. As symptoms will change. I was given naproxen and told to take for three or four days before my period. Works for some people. I am currently on a three month course of solace and then providing I've lost two stone (lost 1 1/2 stone so far) then I will be put on list/given my op date. I'm 44 by the way and lucky enough to have a had my family. Also what about an ablation I had one of those about three and half years ago. Just trying to suggest ideas. You are also entitled to a second opinion
I am sick anytime, my gyno said i could take them back to back and thats what i was planning on doing, but when i got them my doctor said to take for 21 days then have a break for 7, i also went back to my docs about the sickness and he is sending me for camera to see what is going on,at least they cant say its all in my head as i was sick in his bin.