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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for August 2013

Visanne 7th Day...and strange pain :( anyone had a similar experience? is this the adjustment period?

Iv been on Visanne 7 days now, and im so bloated I look about 5months pregnant a...
Hope2heal profile image

Constant water infection!!

Hi all, I need some help/ adivce. I had my lap done on the 19th June and had the...
OliviaRose profile image

Has anyone had the injections??

I have recently had my first injection to bring on early menopause. They are hop...
kez123 profile image
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Is anyone else's endo worse at night?

I'm finding that I'm worse in the afternoon/evening is this the case with anyone...
ljc88 profile image

Does anyone suffer with both endometriosis and poly-cystic ovaries and is finding it hard to conceive?

I am 24 years old and was diagnosed with both endometriosis and polycstic ovarie...
shenshen profile image

Pregnancy and Endo pain

After going through IVF ICSI, I have recently discovered that I am pregnant. The...
trish_88 profile image

Could this pinching pain in right lower abdomen be endo related?

I have got severe pain in my right lower abdomen during my period this is happen...
minime1 profile image

Help with my Bowels !! Please.....

I had a bowel resection and an ileostomy in November 2012 and a reversal in Febr...
LadyPenelope profile image

If Endometrioma are cysts on your ovaries, how come my discharge letter says I had 3 x 3cm ones on my womb?

I did not see my consultant on discharge from the hospital and the ward doctor d...

Scared of what they'll find in Lap!

Hi ladies, Am new here and this is my first post so just want to say hello! Her...
Cat_face profile image

Lap booked for next Thursday!!!!

Had my pre-op today and Lap now booked in for next Thursday. I was again told to...
Woodsmith profile image

Sad, mad, angry and frustrated, any suggestions about consultants in the North West?

I could rant on for ages but I will try and make it shortish! I had my lap on 14...
bonygirl1 profile image

Finally got surgery results!

Ladies... After havign surgery in June I finally saw my consultant this morning ...
Liz1984 profile image

Why dont they know what is going on with me?

Hi i had yet another lap on wed the 7th aug as they found a cyst in feb after do...
Dizzy_01 profile image

possible IBS or Endo they can't give me a straight answer. Any body else had this issue?

I have been diagnosed with what they think is IBS and Cervical Ectropion this la...
bex89 profile image

Going in for a laparoscopy hysteroscopy and curettage how long will recovery be ? Newly diagnosed with endometriosis feeling anxious

Scarlet105 profile image

I'm 23 and have been diagnosed with Endometriosis and Interstitial cystitis. Does anyone else have this? How do you cope?

My endo has tethered my right ovary to my insides so that alone is painful and c...
Catness profile image

Endo and norethisterone

Hi all I had surgery for endometriosis and ovarian remnant syndrome 2 weeks ago ...
ANK1173 profile image

Mirena Coil & depression

Can anyone help me please? Since my lap surgery for endo & endometriomas , where...
Christel profile image

3rd operation for the removal of Endo. Is it normal to feel this rubbish?

I am in the 2nd week of having 3 endometrioma removed from my womb and endometri...

Endometriosis UK Information Day 2013

Hi everyone, We wanted to let you all know that Endometriosis UK is holding ou...
EndoUK_Comms profile image

Hi guys, Im new here and was just wondering if anyone has had trouble with explaining our illness to their bosses at work?

Ive both a male and female boss who arent very understanding.
livelovelaugh profile image


Does anybody have bloating that lasts ages and looks like you're pregnant?!
Hidden profile image

Does anybody else get boil type spots in there groin area?

Since being diagnosed with endo I get these spots in my groin area and under my ...

has anyone had periods with the mirena still in?

hi all i had a big op 5 months ago to have fibroids and cysts and my ovary rem...
binabi2002 profile image

Anyone get hot water bottle rash?

Hello ladies; my rash from almost constantly using a hot water bottle is getting...
Badger74 profile image

Ovary stuck.

Hello ladies. I have been a sufferer of Endo for 20+ years. I have been very lu...
Hidden profile image

Could my sore knee(s) be related to my endo?

I have a sore knee everyday now. It used to be every now and again but has been ...
sam_naylor profile image

Result! Hysterectomy is a go!!

I would just like to update all the lovely ladies who have been helping me with ...
shali1981 profile image

Hysteroscopy/Laparoscopy booked in.

Just had my appointment with my gynae dr, they have booked me in for a Hysterosc...
Woodsmith profile image