Going in for a laparoscopy hysteroscopy a... - Endometriosis UK
Going in for a laparoscopy hysteroscopy and curettage how long will recovery be ? Newly diagnosed with endometriosis feeling anxious

Hi there, sounds like you're pretty much in the same boat as me. When's your operation? I'm in this Saturday for hysteroscopy and laporoscopy (endometrioma and salpingectomy). My first time under general so feeling anxious too. I hope your's goes well for you. Any advice for the day and recovery tips from you lovely ladies would be much appreciated from me too. Best wishes x
Hey there I'm not in until the 20th of August as away for a week , you can fill me in with advice I've had anaesthetic before so really not worried about that I think I'm more concerned about people seem to have repeat operations it's daunting thinking that this op will not cure the constant aches I'm always in ......I do hope yours goes well how long have you been suffering ? Xx
I have been through a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy a few years ago. The experience and outcome is entirely down to how much endo or adhesions (scar tissue) they find and what organs it might be affecting. For example, during my op they found extensive endometriosis and adhesions, adhering my ovary to my bowel and scar tissue tethering one of my previously removed fallopian tube stumps to my bowel. They found endo had travelled into my stomach round belly button area. Basically I was riddled with it, so it required longer more complex surgery to remove the endo and as much adhesions as they could due to close proximity to my bowel. I was originally going to be a day case but ended up being in hospital a few days. If your surgery only finds a small deposit of endo or adhesions, it may be a day case, it really depends. Afterwards I was sore and a bit disorientated from the anaethestic. It can make you a bit weepy afterwards and emotional so warn partners and friends but it wears off after a couple of days. I remember trying to walk to the local shop and each step was uncomfortable and I felt very tired. Hopefully your surgery will be straightforward and you will be up and about soon. You do need to allow time to recover, you may feel ok but anaesthics can affect you for days so rest up and take it easy. It can also take a bit of time before your bowel kicks in after anaesthics and stool softeners can help like lactulose or fybogel, consult with the doctor about this. Good luck
Thank you you sound like you went through the mill a bit , here's hoping yes it's straightforward and textbook x
Thanks for sharing Juleyanne. I'll defo ask about the stool softeners. A colleague mentioned peppermint tea to help with bloating if thats any use as well?
My consultant saw kissing ovaries on my scan and said that suggested I might possibly need a rectovaginal dissection at some point (nice!! I went positively green at that point. I only got diagnosed 6mths ago, what the hell!!). This is such a nasty disease grrrrrr.
Not sure about being in tears after the op, I'm pretty teary already but that's 'cos me and hubbie are now in sniffing distance of being able to finally start ivf. Such an emotional roller coaster these last few months, I feel like I'm in a soap opera playing a mad hormonal psychopath sometimes
Scarlet, have a lovely holiday and I'll let you know how mine goes and hopefully vice versa. Where are you having yours done? Heres to a smooth procedure for both of us. Xx
Wishing you all the best I had ivf 10 years ago so I understand the emotions let alone dealing with all this too ......always here if you need a chat re ivf/endo I'm in Essex and been lucky with private health care at work ....so going to the rivers in Hertfordshire , really hope you get on the road to recovery and start your ivf xx
Ah thanks hunnie, i really appreciate that. I'm at Parkside Hospital Wimbledon tomorrow. Like you i've got private healthcare cover through work which i'm forever grateful for. We're funding the ivf ourselves but we've been told we can rock n roll with that as soon as i'm recovered so i'm getting pretty excited now. Realistic given my age and condition but positive nonetheless.
Juleyanne, i love the idea of your meditation cd's. I'm going to google The Bodyscan now. I've been having acupuncture too which i've been finding good. I was a bit skeptical at first but at the very least it's nice to have an hour to yourself to totally relax.
Best to you both xx
I find Mindfulness Meditation CD's can help. You can download them from Utube. I am a big fan of Jon Kabatt Zinn who the NHS are now using his techniques and around the world generally. You need a quiet room, chair or bed, phone switched off and half an hour approx. The Bodyscan is a really good one.
As others have said, your recovery will ultimately depend on what the surgeons do on the day. I had a diagnostic lap last year with some endo treated, it was done on day case and was back at work after 10 days but it was probably a bit early and I didn't feel fully recovered for about 4-5 weeks and even then the first 2 periods were horrendous!
In contrast, I'm booked in for a major lap next week where the surgeon will hopefully be doing a lot of work and have been told I will be in hospital for 2 nights and will most likely need 6 weeks of work. So it really does depend on the extent of what the surgeon does - just don't start to panic if you're still feeling rubbish after 5-7 days as that's normal, even just from the general, just take it slow and you should improve a bit every day.