Could this pinching pain in right lower a... - Endometriosis UK

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Could this pinching pain in right lower abdomen be endo related?

minime1 profile image
4 Replies

I have got severe pain in my right lower abdomen during my period this is happening every month, I had a lap in January and have had five laps over four years prostap treatment hormonal contraceptives coil and nothing has worked if this is endo what is next?

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minime1 profile image
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4 Replies
Juleyanne profile image

I felt compelled to respond when I read your comment re severe pinching in your right pelvis as this rings a bell with me too.

Like you, I have endured 'years' of pinching pain deep inside my right pelvis just above where I believe my ovary is. I found that for two weeks prior to menstruation, the pain would build up and sitting was painful and very uncomfortable. Tight waistbands too. Sometimes even the vibration of walking was uncomfortable. I have hip pain, low back pain and terrible trouble with my bowels and an inability to hold much urine as it becomes painful and necessitates several trips to the loo during the night with pain, which of course has affected my sleep badly.

I have had my fallopian tubes removed years ago due to damage caused my endo and adhesions kinking and furring them up. Then a few years later due to dreadful pain they did another laparoscopy and hysteroscopy where they found extensive endo deposits in both my right and left pelvis and in my stomach. The adhesions resulting from numerous surgeries and inflammation of endo lesions had glued my fallopian tube stump to my bowel on one side and my ovary had tethered to adjacent organs the other side. The surgeon removed 'as much as was possible due to close proximity to the bowel'! it was a painful horrible op that required days in hospital. After that things improved dramatically and I was 'over the moon' to be free from pain for the first time in years. Unfortunately the pain gradually returned and I am left with this horrible right pinching pain which Gps and Gyne believe is scar tissue (adhesions)

either re attaching themselves to nearby structures or more have formed on top of what I already had. I tried Mirena coil, that failed. I tried Zoladex injections to send me into pseudo menopause with hrt addback Tibolone, that failed too. The failure of Zoladex apparently told the gyne surgeon that it was no longer endo causing my problems as the Zoladex stopping my periods would have worked otherwise. The fact it didn't work spelled out to him that adhesions (scar tissue) was likely to be my problem. Trouble is, further surgery brings strong possibility of more adhesions. Radical Hysterectomy has been suggested but because I am now menopausal and periods have stopped now, the jury is out as to what to do next! The pinching makes me feel quite sick and has become constant along with bowel, bladder, low back, hip pain and pain down right leg to knee and crushing fatigue. I think it sounds extremely likely that adhesions could well be your problem too, although I don't pretend to be a medical practitioner. Adhesion barriers are used in surgery but although they can help they don't always stop scar tissue formation. Adhesions can cause havox and in some cases cause bowel obstruction or partial bowel obstruction if bowel involved. If you consider that if you might be one of those unlucky people that are prone to adhesion formation. This would mean each surgery could worsen scar tissue and cause re sticking due to inflammation of endo lesions and trauma of surgery to your pelvic organs. Scar tissue can pull for example the bowel or bladder out of line and I am convinced that is why I get bladder pain so badly, particularly at night and it is related to bowel problems too. A full bladder will cause pulling and nerve pain as will a full bowel. Nerves play a big part too. It is said endo can grow it's own nerve supply. I have since been diagnosed also with Diverculitis Disease which confuses things more, plus a small Hiatus Hernia, mid high receoteole and latest of all arthritis of the right hip. In my case it is terribly confusing what pain is caused or worsened by what. Codeine pain medication can also cause constipation and should be taken with stool softeners I have also found! Sorry it is such a long message but I have been complaining of right pinching for a long time and researched it myself and this is so far what has come to light, hope this helps!

ljc88 profile image

Your response has possibly helped me as well. I was diagnosed with endometriosis 4 years ago after a laparoscopy I have since tried the coil and had terrible results then had zoladex for a year now on depo. 5 weeks ago I had a flare up of pain in my lower abdo pelvis and back it was the same cramping/pinching pain I suffered before being diagnosed I was hospitalised and they told me my bowel wasn't emptying and I was constipated. I found this hard to believe as although sometimes painful I was regular in going to the loo. The pain has continued and I am/was convinced it was the endo but since reading this im thinking it could be adhesions

Juleyanne profile image

Omitted to mention that codeine based painkillers can worsen constipation and stool softeners like Fybogel or Lactalose can help. However, the general consensus from the medical professionals in my case seem to conclude adhesions is likely to be at the root of my problem. Unfortunately adhesions are not always seen on ultrascans or even CT's. The only efficient way to confirm them is more surgery! As we all know each additional surgery has the real potential to cause more scar tissue! It can be a vicious circle. In my situation, confirmation of additional problems on top of this, diverculitis and arthritis in the right hip have made things even more confusing and painful.

minime1 profile image

Hi Guys thank you for the replies, I have been referred back to the hospital my appointment is on the 2nd Oct - the only problem I feel like my insides are snagged on something and its ripping through my body I have no idea how much more of this pain I can take. How do we get through this ladies?? I will be begging for a Hysterectomy this time ive had enough x

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