Posts - Anxiety Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety Support

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All posts for March 2018

It’s back again!

Hi everyone, I haven’t posted in a while as my anxiety hasn’t been bad at all, I...
Aimeelplant profile image

Morning Adrenaline surge

Every morning and afternoon when trying to get some sleep I experience adrenalin...
Anon9621 profile image


Has anyone taken mirtizipine 15mg for anxiety and panic attacks . Thank you
Elysha profile image
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Starting a job

So I haven't worked in a little more than a year and I have to start soon. Reaso...
nmp1 profile image

Waking up at 2 am with bloody heartburn

Woke feeling breathless, tgought there was something up with my heart! Just bad ...
Denny123456 profile image

Are you ashamed about your anxiety?

Hi everyone! This week I have discovered I am ashamed about people finding out...
star68 profile image

It's been a while but it's striked again

Hi everyone, So I was just wondering if there's anyone to speak too... I have...
Digydoda profile image

Anxiety free for nearly 2 months

I posted a few months ago regarding anxiety and cbd oil after joining a group on...
Olwen1990 profile image


So I have a deviated septum, post nasal drip, TMJ, faulty Eustachian Tubes, Acid...
DustinS85 profile image

Why did I wake up with a numb left hand?

I don’t feel like I was sleeping on it. And it was just my hand, not my arm. I w...
Robby36 profile image

Am i psychotic? Need your help

It's been 2 years and my fear of psychosis is still as big as before. I am now o...
chuck23 profile image

When will it go away for good?

Been over smoke free cold turkey for over 8 weeks. I'm feeling great to quit smo...
Kennygrunt profile image

I'm getting really tired of not being my old self.

I just want to be me again. I just want to feel like I'm the same person as I wa...


Has anyone tried it for their anxiety/panic? If you have is it worth trying? How...

My two biggest fears that lead to my issues...

1) Dying 2) Vomiting I fear dying and that is why I am always at doctors deman...
DustinS85 profile image

Is it anxiety or more

Is it just anxiety? Does anyone wake up really startled just before they're rea...
Hollick profile image

Natural method panic?

Instead of Benzodiazepines for panic attacks...are there non-addictive and more ...
DustinS85 profile image


Hello everyone. Or any single soul who sees this. Not only is this my introducto...
LydiaBofydia profile image

Tight chest

Anyone awake right now? My anxiety is so bad tonight. I was fine then when I tri...
Lyns1411 profile image

Pushing limits while having anxiety

So I’ve been on and off with my panic and anxiety (caused by health and relation...
asianspirit profile image

Social anxiety

I’m 21 and I think I’ve had social anxiety since I was 15. It’s affecting my day...

i hate this feelings ...

Sometimes i just wanna burst out and yell and but feeling down its just these sy...
Johnnie1234 profile image


Just had a panic attack and I felt like my mind was gona shut down. Anyone exper...
Isaack profile image

Zoloft increase

Put on 25 mg zoloft for depression/anxiety. Felt worse afterwards. Just increa...
Smd22 profile image

Ear infection

So 3 days ago I was diagnosed with an ear infection and given antibiotics, which...

Hospital Anxiety

OK so my husbands grandmother is in the hospital on life support after having a ...

Is EMDR supposed to induce panic attacks?

I recently started EMDR with my therapist and my very first session I was a hair...

Can you get anxiety from working out? such as head sensations or dizziness?

It has not happened with all workouts but I feel like I am doing it to myself wh...
Robby36 profile image

Does your dreams makes you anxious?

Last night I dreamed that I vomit all over myself when I was sleeping my dream f...
Jonnyq profile image

Right hand

Do people think this could be broke?
Sandy1710 profile image