Polls - Anxiety Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety Support

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Just checking up on our community. Please select the answer that shows how anxious you feel at the moment.

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We are considering LiveStreaming talks with Doctors and inviting your live questions. Which platform would you most prefer we use?

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Anxiety Support Has Helped Me A Lot! I Will Donate to our facilitator Malecare.org/donate to keep our Anxiety community safe and helpful.

Let's get a better idea about who is in our Anxiety Support Community. Please choose one of the following...you are:

I find one or several of the following to be helpful in reducing my anxiety:

What do you feel your Anxiety takes away from you the most

What was your greatest source of support when you were diagnosed with anxiety?

What would you say is the biggest challenge facing you in terms of managing your anxiety?

What do you do to cope with anxiety on a daily level?

At what age were you (or your loved one) diagnosed with an anxiety disorder?

Do you have any of these symptoms? (select all that apply)

Do you avoid caffeine? (e.g coffee, tea, soda) due to Anxiety

Which is the (main) anxiety disorder you suffer from?

Below is a list of different therapies.Should your doctor refer you as part of your treatment without you having to ask for it.

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