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Anxiety Support

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All posts for October 2017

New psychiatrist

Saw my new psychiatrist today and she's upping my dose of Effexor. I came home w...
acsmith8213 profile image

Oh my God!

I am already getting distressing symptoms from my heart already and now my legs ...
Illboy profile image

Not wanting to go out ?

Here I am again Wednesday day off don't want to go out without someone with me t...
Bb53 profile image
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Not feeling it today...

Woke up very sad and frustrated... I am nearing the last week of my current posi...
Lalakeyss profile image

Needing uplifting thoughts

Please keep my step dad in your thoughts he was transported via ambulance last n...

Recently got Skin damage& pigmentation on my stomach, any recommendations on what to do what be appreciated:)

Hi I was just wondering if anyone has anything to recommend for skin damage from...

I am very thankful.

About a year ago my anxiety took a turn for the worst. I couldn't get out of bed...
Hidden profile image


Felt like I was getting better/happier these past few weeks.First day of work to...

Feeling weirdly tiers

So I slept for 11 hours last night and I woke up still tired and I’m still tired...
caitsxxx1 profile image

Hey agora1

Hey agora1 thank you for your advice. Although I must say I’m tired I’ve workin...
Hidden profile image

Morning anxiety??

Is anyone's anxiety terrible after they wake up? I'm all stiff and also feel ver...
Sandy1710 profile image

Just felt like writing

As I sooo patiently wait for my little boy's arrival into this world, I suppress...
AnxietyBarbie profile image

New to Zoloft

I'm currently on day 15 of Zoloft, started back on 25mg for 14 days and just inc...
Lauralai profile image

Heating pad

So I get a lot of anxiety at night ! I want you all to know I bought a heating p...


An ultrasound, blood work, multiple EKGs and multiple doctor visits including on...
Hidden profile image

Emotional disconnect

Do you guys feel so disconnected to friends and family? Like sometimes i think i...
shrs3 profile image

Some days are good and some are not I'm feeling really down today

Hi guys good evening ! my day was not good it started out ok, and then it just ...


Ive gotten a little better driving. For some reason ive just been almost in this...
shrs3 profile image

"Lost and Found, and Lost again"

Since I don't have a lot of people to talk to when I find someone that I like to...

Advice please

So I have had my 15mg of mirtzipine raised to 30mg. It's been a few months and I...
Hidden profile image

What do I say to my doctor?

Hey all. This is only my second post. Wondering if anybody can help. After month...
SB1993 profile image

Discouraged & fed up!

I guess you'd say I'm venting. Lately I've had the worse "feeling" ever! It is ...
kama24 profile image

Bad day

I had been doing really good, there for about a week and then yesterday and toda...
ECole97 profile image

Sad 😢

It started out okay this morning. Felt just a bit anxiety but for the most part ...
Hidden profile image

Anxiety sucks

Some days my anxiety is worse then others. When my fiancé is at his house it's a...
tiffany1979 profile image

I don't think I could feel any lower

I don’t know where to start. I feel awful. I feel like I just can’t do this worl...
vh005506 profile image

Keep on truckin!

Was supossed to have a 2 week call in check up to discuss my meds been on citral...

Current Mood

Mid-day anxiety (noon in California), exhausted from thinking, sleepy, feeling s...
Lalakeyss profile image

Finally on meds, no physical anxiety symptoms anymore + tips!

Started taking lorazepam 0.5 mg (3x a day) and Stillnox to get some sleep. Works...
hnna profile image

Flu symptoms

Hi I've been getting terrible flu like symptoms these last few weeks. To the poi...
PaulR70 profile image