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Anxiety Support

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All posts for August 2013

Meds Fright

Hi to all my friends ,has anybody any experience of Venlafaxine just been to GP ...
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hello, this is my first post... I just wanted to ask if anyone on hear had the same problem as me. ive had anxiety for atleast 13 years now

the main problem is I seem to hate being on a surface that's unsteady... like t...
merlin321 profile image

yellow tongue and bitter taste in my mouth.does anyone get this ?

Bramble63 profile image
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Gardening :-/

I've cut lawns and my front garden was just full of weeds. I kept thinking for w...
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Really anxious and panicky about starting new job tomorrow

Hi, I'm feeling extremely nervous about a new job I'm starting tomorrow. I suff...
millerlou80 profile image

I had my 1st shift in work and survived! (Only just)

Last night I had my first shift and wow it was hard! They got their money's wort...
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Just want to have a moan

Went to the GPs Monday felt great. She said I was losing muscle tone in my legs...
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Anyone still up?

Haven't been on in a few days but I'm having a really bad night, been okay most ...
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Just me

I'm so upset to whom it may concern I'm a loving wife, mother and a Mimi I beat ...
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We can all get better guys with all this wonderful help on here !!

We are in this together be happy to help each other and in courage each other Th...
Bigguy profile image

Good day :-)

Had a really nice day today at monkey world with friends and the kids :-) was th...
Stacey83 profile image

Hello everyone i havnt been on here for a while. I have been suffering really bad with panic attacks and anxiety recently

I am on tablets buy arnt working so i am now being referred to a councellor. i w...
beccagoodall profile image

better day

met a friend for coffee today and had a good natter; felt really good. Am going ...
deb123 profile image

how the numbness gets you down

since i found this space ive felt a greater need to share. as ive been healthy f...
painterman profile image

Feel dreadful today

Been managing my panic attacks and anxiety until last night. I had been looking ...
seyi profile image

Today has been a rough old day!

I'd been on sick leave for anxiety and panic attacks (sometimes upto 10 a day wh...
janbabe123 profile image

Does anybody have Skype?

Hello lovely people! I just came on to ask if anyone has Skype? I just got it to...
MuffinChops profile image

Stuffy head...

Have headache today, had to go to a wrag interview, was really stressing, hope e...
london-man profile image

Chillaxing :-)

Haven't gone out as planned today as I'm going to Manchester next wk to Lego lan...
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Been to GP

Afternoon everybody hope we are all coping,been toGP absolute waste of time stil...
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Symptoms of anxiety

I don't feel anxious at the moment but still get all the symptoms is this normal...
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Had a few bad days feeling dizzy anxioty high but no panic

I'm pleased about this post and have slept well 3 nights on the run taking the t...
Bigguy profile image

Morning all :-)

Well I'm not exactly up I'm actually lieing in bed, thinking of getting up and m...
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To all my friends

Right I am going bed wish you all aGood Night and peaceful one I hope Chat...
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Thankyou Erstchay xxx

dont know how to PM you!!xx
deb123 profile image

Got to learn to trust my doctors

How is it when I see my doctor, and she says I'm fine, am I reassured initially ...
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is this normal?

evening everyone. i am feeling ok. thats it really! not great, not panicky not e...
deb123 profile image

Here we go again

OH just came in from work said he's at his mom's Friday and Saturday. We'll he's...
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Hi My lovely friends, Some Members who have been touch with me and know who I a...
sammy77 profile image

sertraline. is it possible after 2 days on 150mg to feel numb/shaky and a little paniky

Bramble63 profile image