I'm pleased about this post and have slept well 3 nights on the run taking the tabs for the gum infection and no panic ( that was a fear) and went to the gym and did a 40 min hard walk, but can't help feel that I've taken a step backwards this week I wondering at what stage am I on this road to recovery and what in fact do I need to do to get better
If you take medication do you feel better or does it just numb the anxioty ie would I opening a Pandora's box even thinking about it
My daily symptoms are like this but a few weeks ago had some days feeling great
I feel dizzy a lot it's a general thing and get worse when I chat to people ( sometimes )
I have a general feeling of anxioty even at home but can be heled by exercise but only for. While most of the time I have a feeling in my tummy and noise can be a pain when the house is busy
I try not to avoid anything but when I do attend stuff bug stuff I don't feel good after the event
As you might be aware I do not drink beer wine tea coffee ie caffine stoped eating chcolate but still have the odd bag of crisps
I sometimes get up set because of the anxioty but I do not feel down
On bad days in the morning I get yawn with little shakes and my head full of stuff
My gut feeling is that if I was to take some time out of work I would recover but I'm not sure if this is the answer I'm sort of opening up here today and laying it on the line I wanted to share where I feel I am right now here are things I do to help
I do relaxation with hypno apps
Relaxation of your muscles etc
I go to the gym at the moment 4 times a week
Try to eat a healthy diet
I do not take meds
Trying a programme called the human approach
And my nurse says I have GAD
Should I do relaxation every day ?
Sorry it's a big post and forgive my grammar etc
By the way not had a panic attack for months
Thanks Stuart x