Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for January 2023

Caregivers and Driving My mother's New Mercedes Car

Today my mother has a doctor's appointment out of town, a 2nd opinion. She left ...


I have one friend who really understands my level of depression. She struggles w...

Struggling. Reversed day and night. Sleeping all day, awake all night. Can't do exam session. Emotions overwhelm. Can't call family. They

Don't understand why. I can't manage crazy family, school and exams. And my trau...
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Just Want To Feel Better...

Hi, 🙂Long story short (ish)... I'm having a really tough time since my daughter...

Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and Caregivers

My mother is 74 years old and dying. The caregivers who care for my mother at he...
AnonymousPS profile image

I have lost everyone

Before lockdown I had a life. Even though I suffer from anxiety I had a voluntar...
Chase888 profile image

Rough nights

my life changed in October, I thought I was feeling better but since I moved out...
Acorn2 profile image

Does anyone else find themselves to be overly sensitive?

is this a trait if those prone to anxiety/depression, you think? I am hyper sen...
Kelkel00 profile image

Antidepressant difficulty

Hi, 21 year old man. I suffer with anxiety, health anxiety and depression. So I’...
Dshadzz07 profile image

obsessive thoughts

I have periods of anxiety that take over my brain for months at a time. All day ...
Trish23 profile image

Depression, Anxiety, Worry, PTSD, and Mother's Senior Care (2nd Opinion)

My mother is 74 years old. I have seen her go in and out of the hospital since A...

my people

near miss this a.m. According to the universe … in that moment I was … invincib...

No motivation!!!

Why can't I get motivated, I'm not lazy as a rule, but feel very ashamed!!! ... ...
Lou3169 profile image

Our user names!

Just like to say, your name you go by on the forum is vital for your thinking. ...
gerrerd profile image


As far as I can gather! Seth is sending messages from beyond!
gerrerd profile image

We can change.

Be that change.


Thought this could help!
gerrerd profile image

Step up.

One small step! one big step for you.
gerrerd profile image

The past.

Its gone, let it go!
gerrerd profile image

how to deal with a love one death?

i miss my mom so much, she passed away on 21st of november, and i think i cant h...
bobbypiri profile image

Support Ideas

What are ways to support oneself during tough times? That doesn't cost much...

Adult Bullying, Depression, and Anxiety

I have been experiencing adult bullying. I am 33 years old, no husband, no child...

Depression with Daughter, Mother's Senior Care

I am not getting "my way" with my mother's care. I do not like my mother's care ...

Elder Care and Caregiving

I take care of an older mother who is 74 years old. She has an incurable disease...

currently stuck in constant panic

I have never joined a forum. I’ve never tried medication or been to therapy. Yet...


I am new to this group and trying to just talk to strangers so that I can get so...
Del03 profile image

severe depression and missing my ex gf

hello, I’m new here. Not really sure how this works. It was suggested to me. I...

group name nominations

group: let’s vote. What shall we be called? Our collective fecal tribe? The Duc...

weight gain

For the last year due to anxiety and binge eating it had resulted in me gaining...
MandyBueno profile image

Medical Marijuana and Panic Disorders

Hello everyone, I am going through some personal ordeals and would like to ga...
IlMinded profile image