currently stuck in constant panic - Anxiety and Depre...

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currently stuck in constant panic

Celinesnana profile image
35 Replies

I have never joined a forum. I’ve never tried medication or been to therapy. Yet! Have a telephone conference with one tomorrow. I am here because I feel community is so necessary for any of us to recover or even get through a day, a moment. I am currently experiencing constant anxiety and panic. I feel as if I am sick or will die, at any moment- constantly. Shaky, weak, heart palpitations- all of that is constant for me these days. Not just during a panic attack. It is breaking me down. I thought I was a strong, resilient woman before this. Now, I can’t even see being me again. I just want my life back.

just writing this all down helped. All the best to everyone out there. Thanks for being here.

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Celinesnana profile image
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35 Replies
IlMinded profile image

hi! Don’t ever apologize. I’m going through the same thing. The most important thing you can do is to find the right therapist for you. I went to a therapist for 3 years and got nothing from him. Tried looking for another one, but read an article that mentioned finding a therapist is like finding a significant other. No one knows you better than you. Find the right age/gender-role for what makes you comfortable. I went from a middle aged male that was 20 years older than me, that made me feel like we had no connection, to a lady 10 years older than me that was able to open me up and help me figure out what was wrong.

The first step is finding that therapist that works for you. After that, it’s about learning how to cope and manage.

I wish you the best on your journeys and hope it goes smoothly for you!

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to IlMinded

hi! Thanks so much for this. I’m hoping this therapist is the right fit. If not, I will keep looking. I have to tell you, this community and knowing I am not dying or going crazy- is a great start to recovery or managing.

Wishing you peaceful and joyful days!

Always reach out if there’s anything I can do.

IlMinded profile image
IlMinded in reply to Celinesnana

Anytime! I love it here too! The ability to talk to people with same issues.

Blue_81 profile image

Hey Celine

Welcome to the community. Definitely helps to write things or talk it over. The anxiety or depression doesn't go away but it sure helps to ease it off. Good thing you are reaching out to get it under control. Hope everything goes well.

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to Blue_81

Hey Blue! Appreciate you reaching out. This is why we are all here and exactly why I signed up. All the best to you!

Gatorgirl46 profile image

I’m going through the exact same thing! It’s awful! You are not alone! 😢

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to Gatorgirl46

Go Gators!! So good know that and yet, not so much. Hate that so many are suffering. Thanks for reaching out. Wishing you well, Gatorgirl!

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image

Welcome and this is a great place to start ❤️🫂

I was once recovered from anxiety. I was traveling and getting on with my life. Then a bad panic episode and a lousy doctor seem to undo all my hard work.

Now I'm here trying to rebuild my life up again. It hasn't been easy. My progress hasn't been linear. I go forward and then back 2 spaces. Then go forward again.

Some days I get so tired of this dance. I would just like to be better already.

But that's the journey we are on. Its okay to have bad days. You can share them here. Along with your good days.

As therapist goes it takes time to see if they are a good match. Because the first meeting is about getting your history.

I'm wondering if mine is a good fit for me and I've been with her for almost a year or so.

Anyways wishing you peace on this journey to healing your anxiety.❤️

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

hi there clever girl, I appreciate you sharing that. I too had anxiety and panic attacks 8 years ago. It was a rough 8 months but then they were gone. I tried si many different relaxation, meditation, vitamins, teas- not sure what worked but it was gone. Now 8 years later- boom. So I can relate to relapse- it sucks! I think knowing what this is and that we are not alone is really important. Please feel free to reach out on good days and bad ones. Praying for you and all of us here to get back to our lives, without fear. ❤️

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply to Celinesnana

It does suck. Especially now cause it's like what worked back then isn't cutting it now. So what do I do to get back? You're back trying to solve this mystery again. Hopefully we will figure it out and be out of this place!🫂❤️

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

Unfortunately, we know this monster. Don’t let it confuse you. You survived it then and you will now. Keep at it. Yesterday, I wondered if I could get through the day. I did. We’re all in this. 🙏🏼❤️

kenster1 profile image

hi and a warm welcome to you.

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to kenster1

Hi and thanks, kenster!

Mamy1212 profile image

I too am going through an unending bout of anxiety. You are correct that community is important in getting through the good and bad days! I am seeing a therapist today and pray we are a good fit and relief is near.

Good luck and let u know how it goes.

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to Mamy1212

hi! Hope the therapy goes well and will help you conquer this monster! Yes, let us know how it goes. All the best to you!

Del03 profile image

Hi Celine, I can so relate with what you are going thru. The therapy here in India is so expensive that even tho I know I really need it I cant I am the sole earning member of my family and working 18 hrs a day ..I dont even know how I am fucntioning with so much baggage

Celinesnana profile image

hi Del, that does sound like a lot. Long hours for you. There are a lot of resources online I’ve found helpful. There are countless YouTube videos. There is also that I went to quite often to listen to podcasts etc. All of us here can relate to your suffering. One moment at a time. You got this.

designguy profile image

Hello Celine and welcome to the group, i'm sure you will find it supportive for you here, and I know it feels good to know you are not alone. You're definitely doing a good thing by meeting with a therapist, you might even consider medication if they recommend it at least temporarily to help you. The other thing that helps is to educate yourself about anxiety and panic, there is a lot of info on youtube about it. I found the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos helpful especially for panic.

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to designguy

Hi! I am definitely open to anything that would help. I am constantly on YouTube. It has a lot of resources. I’ve read about the DARE book. I’ll look into it. Thanks for the tip, and thanks for the warm welcome. Take good care of yourself.

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Celinesnana

You're welcome, you take care too.

Indiegal profile image

I'm glad you're going to talk to a therapist. It's definitely a hard thing at first, but I think you'll find it will help with the anxiety to talk about it and learn some tools to deal with it. Keep us updated how it goes.

Celinesnana profile image

Hi! Thanks! had the initial consultation which went well. Made my first appointment for Monday. Looking forward to implementing things I never have before. Making myself vulnerable and open enough to allow someone to help. That’s new for me. Hoping that’s the trick. Take care and all the best to you!

Kelkel00 profile image

I am in the same boat, just started seeing a therapist a few weeks ago. It’s hard to be vulnerable, isn’t it?! But I’m willing to do anything to feel better!

Good luck!

Celinesnana profile image

It was very difficult for me to be vulnerable before. Now, at this point, I am happy to yell it from the roof tops- that I need help! Maybe it will serve a purpose in my life and the vulnerability will actually prove to make me stronger. Hoping for that and for your recovery and well being too!

Kelsey22 profile image

Hi there - I was so happy to stumble upon your post. I could cry tears of genuine relief to know that I am not alone in what I am feeling (and I might!). I was successfully managing my anxiety and panic disorder for several years and then out of the blue I have fallen back to square one. I thankfully have a therapist who I've been seeing for years and a new primary care doctor who seems receptive and supportive. But all of the positive interactions in the world can't prevent the constant feeling of being terrified, chest pressure, lightheadedness, and trembling. It is unbearable. I spent my whole day today looking at the resources on and they have provided some relief and I would recommend checking them out. I also watched a free webinar on the ADAA website called "Outsmart Your Anxious Brain". I'm also looking for advice and strategies to help cope with all of this. Hopefully we find some relief soon!

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to Kelsey22

hi there! I have to say, that my post almost bringing you to tears of relief - brought me to tears, literally. I am so glad that you know you are not alone, because you are not! The mere fact that others are suffering as well, however tragic that is- it reminds you , you are actually not dying and you are not losing your mind. This is a thing , but it is a con/ not real- it’s a lie we keep telling ourselves over and over. Why we are stuck in this loop, and how to get out of it , I wish I knew but I am committed to trying to be me again and to getting my life back. You are NOT alone. I found several things helpful. There is a YouTube video that really helped get me to sleep. You need to sleep. This guys voice is a god send. His name is Thomas Hall- search for him and stop panic sleep. I also went on and he’s got lots of articles and podcasts you can listen to. He breaks things down in a way that you can really relate to. Let me know how it’s going. Today is a rough day for me as well. Just remind yourself as I do- this will pass, just like it has all those times before. You got this.

Kelsey22 profile image
Kelsey22 in reply to Celinesnana

Thank you for this!! I wrote down "Thomas Hall" and the anxietyguru website and I'm going to check them out when I get home from work. Today has been okay. It started out pretty poorly but as I read more about panic disorder and then found this community and read many peoples similar experiences - I've started to feel a bit calmer. How are you feeling today?

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to Kelsey22

so glad to hear today has been ok. You made it to work, that’s good! I actually did not- working from home today. Mornings are rough but it’ll get better. Always does.

Let me know if you like any of the videos or the anxiety guru stuff. I did.

Reach out to me anytime, that’s what community and a support group is for! 🤗

Kelsey22 profile image
Kelsey22 in reply to Celinesnana

Mornings are the worst for me as well. I wake up and I immediately look for symptoms of anxiety and of course find them. I’m actually listening to anxiety guru right now! The podcast about how to get unstuck from chronic anxiety. What are some that really helped you?

in reply to Kelsey22

Definitely hear you on morning anxiety. This is my everyday occurrence: Awake from sleep. Open eyes. Heart’s beating, this is good. Sit up on side of bed. Heart rate increases. “Hello Anxiety! Let’s start freaking out because, well, that’s what we do together!” Right on que, every morning. The most predictable thing I experience every single day. Like an evil conjoined twin. 👍

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to

sucks, doesn’t it?! Those are my morning you’re describing. So- we’re not alone, we’re not dying and we’re not going crazy. I’ll take that. So glad I joined this support community. I think it is helping more than any deep breathing could lol

Know that you’re going to get better and you’ll be enjoying your mornings again! 🤗

in reply to Celinesnana

Thank you, always praying for peaceful mornings again someday soon 👍

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to Kelsey22

Well two of the first ones- You are Ok and You are Not Alone are good. After that, just scroll through, I of course listened to the ones on health anxiety. He suffered from it for years and is now a licensed therapist so his insight is invaluable. Let me know if any help.

2Boys425 profile image

Hang in there.Its tough but you'll get through this

Celinesnana profile image
Celinesnana in reply to 2Boys425

Thanks for that- I appreciate you!

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