Does going through IVF make endo pain wor... - Endometriosis UK

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Does going through IVF make endo pain worse? Am considering iVF and have endo on bowel and also thinkcysts are back. Am 36 & need to decide

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Bobbluesky profile image

Sorry can't help you with the IVF, as I have never considered it. I am 37 & have Endo on my bowel, got Cyst drained & the Mirena coil put in but just about 1month later I was taken in to Hospital with severe Pain, they did Tests & I had a very bad Infection & the Cyst had came back from 5.2cm before it was drained to 7.5 x 6.2 cm just about a month later, had to stay in the Hospital for over a week, got out home but 3 weeks later I was back in Hospital again with pain and a slight rash on my legs, I had to go on to 3 different antibiotic's as I cant take penicillin, but as I was put back on the antibiotic's with in a few weeks I started to react to 1 of them & you would have thought I had really bad sunburn as my skin felt like it was on fire. The head consultant came to see me & took me off all the drugs & it took 3/4 day's before I started to notice a difference. I got home but they have to take my Ovaries out, so they sent me home on Iron tab's to build myself up as it has to be open operation as the Endo is stuck to my Bowel & it could be risky incase it damage's my bowel, so I am strongly thinking of getting all out @ this time as I can't take the pain of this, all I know is if & when I get all out I will Have to go on HRT, & this should make the Endo still grow with the hormones of the HRT. We both have a lot to think about & I wish you well in what ever you decide. Hope to Hear what you do & Good Luck. Xx