Posts - Anxiety Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety Support

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All posts for September 2020

Weird vision

Anyone else get weird vision? I really cant explain it but its terrifying not ev...

My anxiety is getting worsening everyday like the symptoms is always more noticeable and idk what to do

If i try to ignore it the symptoms get more intense but if i try to accept it it...

So nervous

I have been offered a new job with a start date of Monday. I’ve wanted this fo...
Matt3013 profile image
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pulsating tinnitus .?

Hi .if anyone has pulsating tinnitus on here i would love to hear from you . I h...
lynstone60 profile image

New and scared

1 week into this, it happened on a Saturday at noon I was trying to eat some fo...
Colorado2 profile image

New and scared

So 1 week into this, it happened on a Saturday at noon I was trying to eat some...


Hey everyone My first day back at face to face college went well even though I ...
Dogmad600 profile image

Stressed once again

Still having chest pain .. Iv tried a hot bath with candles and meditation.. Iv ...
Kaaayla profile image

Blue veins I. Hands again

Everytime after I wash my hands my veins look so blue and it’s many of them and ...
Zhiyah1012 profile image

Was doing laundry and my heart started racing

I'm concerned I had my music on was putting the laundry to wash and my heart jus...

scaring myself.. is something wrong with my heart??

hi all.. kinda freaked myself out. my heart rate keeps going down into the low 6...
quixotic6 profile image

Anyone have chest pain while taking a bath?

I’ve had horrible anxiety and symptoms for the past 2 years and my symptoms has ...

Strange symptoms

Hey, I haven’t posted here in a while I’ve been handling my anxiety and such pre...

Gasping and Sighing

hello guys ive been suffering with GAD from past four years having problem in br...
raseeenn profile image

Now I developed a fear of headaches

Now I keep getting this little pull feeling In my head that comes and go strong ...

Wisdom Teeth Anxiety

Ok I made a post regarding my wisdom teeth anxiety a couple weeks ago, but I'm d...

venlafaxine & vertigo / diziness

Hello, I have been on 300 mg venlafaxine for a few years now. I wake up with bad...


Let’s talk about your anxiety symptoms and what you experience! I have a few. I...
Lucky- profile image


Just me again .. alll day Iv been having chest pain been trying not to think abo...
Kaaayla profile image

Citalopram & sex

iv been on 30mg of citalapam now for about a year and my anxiety i would say it ...
Kirsty1989 profile image

Heightened anxiety when it’s hot

Hi, just wondering if anyone else’s anxiety/panic is worse when it’s hot out?
Lucky- profile image

So far so good..

This whole month so far I’ve been ill and it triggered extreme anxiety and depre...
broodingsean profile image


Hi im new to this forum , does anyone suffer from clammy hands with anxiety
Andy585 profile image

Believe in all of you

Just say here in costa, doing my social distancing / social bit and was thinking...
Matt3013 profile image

Suddenly my leg starting feel cold even tho i'm not that anxious but when around my leg started to get cold i become anxious

Can anyone help me?

Hyperinflated lungs on xray

So, I went to the dr about a month ago complaining of chest pain and dizziness w...
Guzman13 profile image


Out of nowhere I just shortness of breath and got a pain in my chest I don’t kno...
Kaaayla profile image

Misunderstood All The Time :(

Hello... hope everyone is as great as possible... I'm trying this out... I've be...
Siempre18 profile image


It’s been a whole week of headaches that last all day mostly in the forehead! I’...

Anxiety headaches

Why does anxiety give me headaches, stiff neck and muscle tightness. It is such ...
Matt3013 profile image