Anyone else get weird vision? I really cant explain it but its terrifying not every attack but lately. Just seems like when i think on a symptom too much it starts to happens. Feel like shutting down. This is the cause of my depression how can you function normally when your fight or flight is always on go mode!!!!
Weird vision: Anyone else get weird vision... - Anxiety Support
Weird vision

Hi. Can you explain a little more about the weird vision please I might have the same thing x
that is insane, I thought i was the only one. when i first started experiencing anxiety, i thought something was just wrong with my eyes and it was freaking me out. everything just gets very vivid, little blurry, and bright for me. its like sensory overload.
I do that do, I think it’s a sensory overload thing. Our brains are too busy so our eyes spaz lol 😩
Yes especially when i go in grocery or retail stores or high buildings
Omg yes!! So many grocery and retail stores have those florescent lights and they destroy me
How do you handle it?Or do you just suffer through like me? I am going to school to be a registered nurse and each clinical is the worse when its happens light headed and head pressure i always leave with a headache. Wondering if it has something to do with my migraines
I honestly just suffer through it or avoid the places if possible.
That’s cool that you’re going to school for nursing, congrats!! 💙
And yes it might have something to do with your migraines! I get horrible migraines and I have headaches more often than not. They definitely make me more sensitive to lighting. And when I don’t have a headache or migraine, the certain lights trigger them