Still having chest pain .. Iv tried a hot bath with candles and meditation.. Iv taken a diazepam, it’s making me so stressed out feel like I’m suffocating like someone’s got a pillow over my head! I’m getting really hot in my body aswell! When I press down where it hurts on my chest in hurts so I know it’s must be well hopefully muscular like I said before I spoke to my doctor a couple weeks ago about the pain “ he said it’s not a heart attack if you was to have one you wouldn’t know so why u scared, if you believe In life after death then maybe that will comfort you but I’m sure you ain’t having a heart attack as you have been having these pains for a while” talk about my doctor being straight to the point lol I’m trying my best with this I really am I have even got my first telephone appointment tomorrow with CBT!!! I see a 24 year old girl complaining about chest pains for days then she died of a massive heart attack I’m so sorry everyone that I’m a nuisance
Stressed once again : Still having chest... - Anxiety Support
Stressed once again

Have you been diagnosed with any dissabilities or health concerns in the past? (Generalised anxiety disorder, vitamin deficiencies, adhd/autism etc).
Looking through your posts you seem to have suffered with anxiety related issues for 6 years. Are you taking any anti-anxiety medication?
Been diagnosed in the passed with anxiety panic attacks .. and a psychiatrist said in the passed like 3/4years ago I had adhd x
I don’t take medication for my adhd to be honest don’t think I have it I don’t jump about everywhere all I said to them is that my mind is constant and i can’t shut it off always like thinking thinking thinking. Yh I’m on sertraline
Adults tend to lose the hyperactivity if they have adhd. The reason i asked is I have adhd also and in the past i was diagnosed with GAD. (Generalised anxiety disorder) I wasn't taking anything for my adhd at the time (i took a break) and even though i got the anxiety under control, it was always there.
How long have you been in sertraline for?
They prescribed me Concerta in the passed I took them but didn’t like the way they made me feel because they was an amphetamine was making my heart race n just made me feel really weird. I have been on sertraline for 5 years about I think.. I was on Mirtazapine before sertraline but put so much weight on me x
Do you burp alot or have stomache pain or bloating x
My 24 yr. Old grandaughter is going through the same symptoms as you so your not alone. As a recovered anxiety person I am having to help my grandaughter get over the situation..I explain to my grandaughter that all the tightness in her chest is from the chest muscles. Nothing more.. her thinking is negative like yours she thinks she is going to stop breathing because her chest is so tight. What your experiencing is all that will happen nothing more, Your breating is on automatic Piolet the same as the heart we dont control it and it won't fail you because of your young age. Change your thinking to more calmer thoughts instead of scaring yourself with thinking your going to have a heart attack like someone you heard about. Remember this : No 2 people are alike..because it happened to someone else that does not mean it will happen to you.
When you experience the chest tightness say things like " oh here it is what! This thinking will help stop the tightness. It won't happen overnight but with the right thinking it will stop. Ignore the tightness get your mind off it , get on your cell phone, talk to someone, but do not dwell on it! The saying Ignore it and it will go away applies here! Stop scaring yourself with negative thoughts stop worrying is the key to getting better! Get positive thoughts! when you start to worry catch yourself by saying things like "fuc--k that", I am not going there"! this stops negative worry which has become a habit to you stops it dead in its track so you can relax and get back to being your strong self. This situation is temporary and only you can fix you! Change your thinking stop worry its simple. You are safe!