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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for August 2017

Mirena Coil & BV - Help!

Hi everyone, It's been really refreshing reading everyone's posts as I do somet...

Mirena coil disadvantag

Hello, Have the mirena coil 3 months now and still experiencing nausea, insomnia...

Mefenamic Acid & Tranexamic Acid advice

Hi ladies, After being diagnosed endo last year, and after being back to my gyna...
Ac94 profile image
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Hysterectomy Endometriosis

Hi Ladies, I'm 36 and have been suffering with endometriosis since I was 16 year...
Linz247 profile image

Worrying symptoms

I've been having numb burning hands and fingers , joint pain in knees elbows plu...
Wilma8 profile image

Finally have some answers!

Had my lap yesterday and I finally got the answers I've been looking for for so ...
Katiefrog11 profile image

Endometriosis Treatments vs Pregnancy

I recently got Diagnosed with Mild endometriosis. I am having a hard time cope w...
Yossi22 profile image

Recommended Lap-Gyn Surgeons Uk

Hi- can anyone recommend a lap gyn surgeon , preferably London , Midlands or Man...
Kestrel80 profile image

1st Gynae Since Lap - Back to Square One?!

I had my check up with the Gyno on Tuesday after having Endo and adhesion's rem...
hayleyworried profile image

Had enough

Hi all I had been clinically diagnosed with endo back in 2009 and told I cud hav...
Ebony1412 profile image

Gestational sac Measures???confused

Hi all, I went fur an early scan as couldn't wait 4 12 week scan was to impatien...
Starlet28 profile image

Non surgical treatments?

I wonder if anyone can suggest any good ways to self-manage the symptoms of endo...
Leo78 profile image

Lap wait

Hi girls how long wait for a lapscopey ! [edited to complying with our code of c...

Prostap injections experiences

Hi everyone I have had my second injection of Prostap yesterday in my abdomen. I...

Water infections

Hi I have so many water infections, I'm wondering does anybody else get them a l...
Jessicahall profile image

Flu/virus symptoms every period! Please help!!

Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can relate and if so may be able to help me. For...
Emmy-89 profile image

Laparoscopy advice

Hi all, I have a laparoscopy booked for just over a weeks time. I'm looking for ...
Staceq profile image

Employment issues - a whole new level!!

Afternoon ladies! I feel like all I do is post on here🙈 but, I need support mo...
staceymacg profile image

PID or Endo?

Hi Ladies I was wondering if anyone had been told they had PID at laporoscopy b...
Carolyn27 profile image

Mirena coil

Hi Just wondering if anyone can help. I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2013...

Ibs or something else?

Hi newbie here. I was diagnosed around 3/4yrs ago with ibs after going to gp wit...

Frustrated with Gynaecologist

I saw for the first time a Gynaecologist after suffering killer cramps and flood...
Lokasey profile image

Mirena coil - cramping

Hi there, I've had the mirena coil fitted and it's been a week. I've been exper...
Fern20 profile image

Post laparoscopy pain

Hey ladies . Just wondering if anybody could help . I had a laparoscopy 6 weeks ...
GraceParry profile image


Hi i was told i had endometriosis after having my gullbladder & 5 huge stones re...
Shaza42 profile image

Feeling vulnerable....

I've been home 4 whole days now and am doing well but feeling strange in myself ...
Starry profile image

Can you exercise with an ovarian cyst?

Just something that came to me, can you do exercise like yoga if you have an ova...
rosesinbloom profile image

Suspected Endometriosis, but Gyno won't do surgery

Hi all, I have been going through the process of being diagnosed with endometrio...
niamhmain profile image

Laparoscopy recovery?

I'm having my very first lap in a week. I've never had surgery in my life/never ...
Endo15Hell profile image

Good news ...but also surprising news 😲

Hi , Would like to share my news from today .. A 58mm complex cyst was found 5 ...
Teq123 profile image