Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for February 2020

Struggling cannot get into see therapist this week

Hi everyone, I see a therapist weekly. I am being treated for PTSD and depressio...
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High and Lows

I’ve been struggling with my feelings all my life I go from feeling invincible, ...

Hermit Purple

I'm terribly agoraphobic I think, which is strange because I'm somewhat of a peo...
squishy11 profile image
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Sleep Rant That Makes No Sense

So, I'm actually tired but it's like I don't want to sleep. I feel like I am alw...


This is my first post here, and I think I’m only here because these past few wee...
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Support group advice

Has anyone here gone to a DBSA support group? (Depression AND BIPOLAR support al...

Your Mind ,

Change your thoughts ,

Self-Esteem and Anxiety

I’ve never really had good self-esteem, but I feel like it’s gotten worse recent...
cmblue profile image

Night time panic attacks

Does anyone else have panic attacks when they're alone? I lost my husband last y...
Redheaded profile image


So I'm new here and I have a question... I was prescribed antidepressants by my ...
Mintychoco profile image

" My Prophet "

I wrote this song when I first discovered The Prophet which I heard about in the...
Hidden profile image

I'm left wondering?

Hello,. I don't know if this has happened to anyone else here, but it's happened...
Tbine profile image

Soooo ...

I've noticed like the past four months of my post are all negative!! 🤦 Ughh sor...


My fiancé(or whatever we are) says that she can’t give me the type of attention ...
TheBooG profile image

Broom tricks

NASA says the Earth is at the right tilt so that your broom can stand alone. Thi...
Rosiemarie82 profile image


People with low income can not afford the therapy .very expensive in sa...
L0l12019 profile image

Ansiedad y depresion

Me cuesta trabajo poder olvidar in suceso tragico de muerte inesperada de dos ve...
L0l12019 profile image

Angry and Frustrated

I just went to a Doctor who was rude after looking at my file and seeing all the...
mayaohh profile image

Flashbacks to childhood abuse

I am 67 and have been struggling with anxiety and depression all my life. I kno...
Gelliplate profile image


I guess this is officially my first post on here...I hope everyone is making it ...
Hidden profile image

Any miracles out there?

Has anyone ever had an anti-depressant that took away ALL of the symptons of dep...
davbot profile image

Severe anxiety - Has anyone been cured of this through prayer or other means without medicine?

Have had anxiety symptoms for @ 1 year...Seems like symptoms started “out of now...
Cured2020 profile image

Undiagnosed dizziness is pushing me to the limit

Has anyone had any luck with dizziness? I've Been to doctors, er, and tried abo...

A+ for effort

I made to-do list this morning that was way too long. But I tried my best to do ...
Mrspjsmom profile image

Anxiety - Question re Irritability

I’m new to this forum, and i’ve experienced anxiety symptoms for @ 1 year. Symp...
Cured2020 profile image


No one in miami for wellbeing


A quote I felt like sharing..... If you simply can't understand why someone is...
sweetiepye profile image


I am trying to find my passion in life. I dont know where to start or what to lo...
sadiematthew profile image


Aside from being on Wellbutrin XR, here’s my other medications. They’re a handfu...
MrZee profile image

Teen Suicide Attempt, Depression & ADD - How to convince my teen to get help?

Our 17 year old son was first diagnosed with major depression, then ADD. He was...
AustinParent profile image