I am trying to find my passion in life. I dont know where to start or what to look for. Being depressed and anxious does not help with the search. I've always loved sport my whole life and think it would be sweet do something in that field, but i dont know if its failure im scared for or what. I just wish i could find an answer and go with it. I know things like this takes time but i just want to get out of my parents house and start a new life. Im only 18 and started college last semester so i need to finish, but I honestly hate school and just want to work to make money. Ive always been about moeny my whole life, how to use it for good, what to buy, if buying something effects my future purchases. My mind just runs with bullshit all the time
Passion: I am trying to find my passion... - Anxiety and Depre...

I found this values exercise to be helpful in giving me direction of how to allocate both my time and money. They are general values and traits but they can relate to changes or activities that you can start to devote time to each day.
Nice exercise ty
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us here. I felt I could relate as I was reading what you wrote. Things that were so important and gave me such joy, I just don’t give myself time to do anymore. As far as your schooling, that is an opportunity. I must say, You will never regret something you have to force yourself to do. Please look at our economy now and what jobs and degrees are needed and where you will fit in the working class at graduation. I hope this helps some. If not , please know I meant my best. You are important and can achieve goals.
Nothing wrong with liking money, who doesn't? So long as you aren't fixed on money making you totally happy. You idea of something in sports sounds like a passion and that is what makes the world go round for people. I hope you don't diminish that dream as fruitless. It sounds like something you'd be happy doing and that would give you drive. I know if I had a second change I'd go that route for sure. The benefits that come with something sports related would certainly improve your body's health and by effect your outlook on life if you let it. You sound like you're be a good coach, personal trainer, physical therapist. So many directions to go if you're into sports. Keep it mind.
Yeah school sucks, but look at it this way it's the path to walk to making your dreams come true. I think that alone will drive you to stay in school if you remind yourself everyday this will get me closer to what I want.
I too have the same feelings of going for what I’m passionate about and afraid of it’s the right thing or not...and I’m 36 years old. Anxiety has limited my options, but I hope to one day find the right thing for me.
My advice would be to shadow or observe someone in their job/profession/field that you might be interested in, that way you can see if it’s something you would want to do on a daily basis. This helped me when I was younger. I loved animals and wanted so bad to be a veterinarian, but when I worked at a vet clinic to gain experience, I realized it was not the profession for me. It was too sad. I’m glad I figured that out before I went to school for it.
I just want to say I think it’s awesome that you want to get out on your own and take on the world, especially having anxiety and depression. I feel like a lot of people your age like to stay home where it’s easy.