Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for March 2019

My birthday is coming and I don't want to celebrate

So my birthday is in about a week. And it's giving me some stress. I live in a u...

Stressed at work

I am so stressed at work today. I feel like my blood is boiling, my heart is ra...
Sober2007 profile image

Logging off

the brain zaps and dizziness are just too much for me so I’m taking a break from...
survivor12 profile image
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Why do we create situations that are stressful that we don't need to be stressed...
tppppppp profile image

First Post.... I am a bit lost and just need to vent

So, the past two-three years has been extremely stressful. I usually can handle ...
Gabsy profile image

Lost with no hope

I don’t really want to retype my whole story, but it is on my profile thing. I h...


New here.... feeling pretty numb and low today. I try to stay positive but it’s ...
BlueBunny87 profile image

A History of Mental Illness - An Introduction

I've been struggling with mental illness and trauma my whole life. I was diagnos...
nowyouseeme profile image


I found my mood suddenly shift a few minutes ago when someone asked me how many ...
LonelyGirl24 profile image

Ativan taper advice

A few people have asked for advice, so here are some key things to keep in mind....
Callie67 profile image


Anyone heard of it? Anyone on it?
tppppppp profile image

Anxiety and Panic rearing its head after 25 years

Lived with this for years, managed and kept it at bay and then WHAM, panic attac...

Hi, I'm new here

Hi, I'm relatively new here in the Anxiety and Depression support group. I am a ...
Rower12 profile image

Scared of everything

So scared. To move. To drive. To walk outside the bedroom door. To face the daug...
sarabier profile image


Hello everyone, Just as my profile suggested, I thought I'd like to say Hi afte...
Jonesie123 profile image

Mornings suck

I’m feeling anxious, but that is usual for me in the mornings. Tomorrow the move...
Kat63 profile image

had a rough evening

Hi I just need to vent. Last night I kept having bad thoughts. I don't like t...
purl1 profile image

Ambien or something like it

Thinking if talking to my psychiatrist about this. Any experiences with it?
tppppppp profile image


You are NOT your thoughts. Your thoughts don't control you. You are your greates...
tppppppp profile image

Todays mood. Angry!

Lord knows ive made my share of mistakes. I do not deny that. Im the furthest th...

Best Friends Sanctuary

Went to the sanctuary with my mom two days ago in Kanab, Utah. What a huge place...

Good morning

Good morning everyone, I hope everyone has a good day and if you’re struggling t...
Mommabear15 profile image

One star


Low vitamin D

So my doctor orders me 50,000iu of vitamin d2 because he said it was really low ...
Stephanie89 profile image

Don’t want to take meds anymore

Hey all I been on lexapro for long time on and off. But now I just have such an...
Coolid profile image

Lack of sleep is killing me

I suffer from anxiety and literally cannot sleep. I am not on any SSRIs as they...
Hidden profile image

I feel so down😔

Hi i’m new here ... i joined here because i just want to express how i feel .. i...
Garbagebitch profile image


My anxiety and depression is worse than it was 2 years ago. The middle to end of...
Anonymouslyme profile image

I need advice, asap

Hi. I don’t know what to do, and I’m scared that if I don’t find help soon, I’m ...

Great song