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All posts for September 2017

Not sure what meds are right for a women of child bearing age?:)

Hi all - I was recently diagnosed, have been on steroids to help decrease the i...
Natef profile image

Stills Disease/Adult Onset Juvenile Arthritis/ Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi all! My name is Nora. I am a 25 year old from Australia. I was diagnosed with...


Hello. Just wondering if anyone has taken azulfidine for their rheumatoid arthri...
Julieladix profile image
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Microbiome/Gut Health Book List

I have had a request for more details of more books and authors regarding Microb...
AARA profile image

Newly diagnosed. Hydroxychloroquine query.

Hi everyone, recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis after suffering with i...
chrisb4 profile image

pressured to reduce my hours

Hi everyone I started back to work last week after 7 months off being diagnose...
gailyb profile image

the joys of filling in a pip form!!!!

thank you to all who sent me advice on filling in my PIP form...well its done no...

Stomach acid issues

I am wondering how many people on here experience symptoms of low/high stomach a...
cappygal profile image


Hi hope There isn't to much suffering today, is numbness a complication of RA ...
Vonnie10 profile image


Does anyone else suffer with constant sweating? I am in a right state I am just ...
Harvey20 profile image

Treatment of Big Toe Arthritis

Hello. I have just been told I have Big Toe Arthritis and I am looking for an al...
paininthefeet profile image


Hi all I have been having trouble with my knee, its swollen, painfull when going...
bigyid profile image

For those interested in the Gut Microbiome--NYT research article

There's no disputing that gut microbiome is starting to take a front row seat in...
Lucy11 profile image

Do I have Psoratic Arthritis

Hello, this may be a long post so sorry about this. Just want to give some histo...
tiggerroo99 profile image

Did my story get posted

I wrote my life story down but I don't think I sent it correctly? If you saw it...
Valdun profile image

Shoulder pain

I've been told I've got bursitis in my shoulders and suffer, it's settled at the...
Shirl50 profile image

When September comes !

Well that's our summer outdoors finished this evening. So with the help of the ...
allanah profile image

hydroxyachloroquine help

I just wanted to say a big thank you for all who responded to my hcq question it...
astrajewel profile image

Helminths and RA

Anyone know of any success with the use of helminths to treat RA? I've read abou...
StormySeas profile image

Btw humira causes hair thinning

Rheumy nurse confirmed today
Phoo2 profile image

Rheumy nurse made me cry!!!

Wow what a day! After I left my emergency appt at Kings , I was a blubbering, so...
Phoo2 profile image

Back to work,

Hi everyone. I'm now back to work after nearly 7 months off due to newly diagnos...
gailyb profile image

Do I have RA

Hi all, I have a Dr appt tomorrow, but just wanted to know some obvious symptoms...
MandyDenton profile image

Metoject questions

Hi All, I am new here. I hope some of you may be able to answer some questions ...
tubbyman profile image

For Simbac& Witness2

I have clicked on "Leave" on the diet message screen so hopefully things will be...
AgedCrone profile image

Why is it we are not listened to

I see many threads saying they have pain but are often dismissed by their health...
Matilda_1922 profile image

Lumps under the skin

I recently read a post who had lumps under the skin on their hands and fingers ,...

I am struggling to sleep

I have had my diagnosis changed to PsA until they come up with another thought o...

Handy again soon

Hi all...after 5 long years of being on a merry go round & being constantly fobb...
Hidden profile image

Hello again

Just had my Rheaumy session and she's very happy with my progress. Haven't had a...
Hidden profile image