Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for February 2013

Just when I thought I,d got this disease licked.........

I can hear you all laughing, what on earth is she taking that she thinks she has...
Hidden profile image

Leflunomide and Hydroxy

Today I have walked up the side of our house in agony. Just a short walk it felt...
Hidden profile image

Has anyone developed a blood disorder since their diagnosis with RA?

Hi - I am new to this site and wonder if anyone has developed any sort of blood ...
Ellenkay profile image
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Enbrel, Humira or Simponi?

That is the question! I have had a first meeting with my Rneumatology nurse (...
Neonkitty profile image

New hairdo and a moan....

Hello everyone. I haven't blogged for a while as i haven't felt that well. I am ...
sylvi profile image

MTX injection made me feel very sick and uneasy for some reason.

The other new symptom is that my feet and hands have got very cold. My feet feel...
Rockpool60 profile image

oh only got 12 points

hi just got post got a letter about my medical from atos , only got 12points a...
missmopp profile image

Is it okay to take an antibiotic while on methotrexate?

Linde1 profile image

Had a appointment today with my GP.....

Hi Everyone hope you are having a pain free day, Well I had a long chat with my...
shirlthegirl profile image

poor sleep causes health problems
hamble99b profile image

Hospital rang me today to discuss my blood results

First blood test after starting Sulphasalazine and I received my first call from...

Can High Potassium Levels Be Caused by Arthritis Medications?

my doctor ,, rang me today ,, saying i need to do another blood test , because m...
_andy_ profile image

Metoclopramide anti nausea anyone?

Has anyone tried this? Got a busy day ahead and can't afford to feel this duff p...
Hidden profile image


hi all just got a little confused recived a letter about pip the changes etc wel...
ords profile image

Where do I go from here...?

Diagnosed with RA Jan 2010, after being continually ill, and repeatedly misdiagn...
janjo profile image

i have just been diagnosed with RA, along with Lung Fibrosive for 6 Years the RA medication can damage my lungs and have been rejected.

Has anyone been in this position that the chest consultant has advised that any ...
mattcass profile image


He'll all I just wanted to say for those of you suffer with the sickness when y...
minxy1960 profile image


I was diagnosed two years ago with RA following short illness with bowel obstruc...

Has anyone taken photographs of the inflamed joints to their consultant/ rhuemy nurse? If so how many?

I have unfortunately been seen by three different consultants over the last six...
126Jessie profile image

Do steroid injection into the joints always work?

I recently had steriod injections into the hip trochanter for bursitis and also...
carolineo profile image

first blood results ,, since starting enbrel ..

today , i got the results from my first blood test since starting enbrel .. i s...
_andy_ profile image

Recently diagnosed and getting worse?

Hi I'm writing this on behalf of someone else who was recently diagnose wi...
cap_ profile image

Itching all over, is this normal?

Only diagnosed four weeks ago, started MTX, Hydroxy, Folic Acid three weeks ago,...
Riedenise profile image

Link between treatment for RA and osteoarthritis

Has anyone noticed a link between how good your RA is and how your osteo is? Si...
cathie profile image

Does anyone take Teriparatide (Forteo)?

Hi, I'm waiting for the funding for Teriparaide, does anyone take it and is it s...
parkie profile image

Anemic on Methorexate

Has anyone been Diagnosed with being Anemic while taking Mtx, Just wondering how...
shirlthegirl profile image

NRAS East Dorset Group

Next meeting for NRAS East Dorset Group is Tuesday 12th March at the Howard Suit...

Today I just can't cope ;-(

I'm so sorry to write such a morbid blog. I can't even bring myself to write wha...
Ella32 profile image

We're not all benefit cheats!
little_em18 profile image

little update

sorry haven't posted in a while! little update, firstly thanks for all the tips ...
soph_holmes profile image