Hello. Just wondering if anyone has taken azulfidine for their rheumatoid arthritis, and if it's helped at all. Any unusual side effects?
Azulfidine : Hello. Just wondering if anyone has taken... - NRAS

Hi Julie,
In the U.K. it's better known as Sulfasalazine. If you change the heading you may get more replies. You can also do a search for Sulfasalazine on this site.
I can't help you with it as I've never used it myself but there are loads of people here on it. From what I understand it's not a particularly strong DMARD and often isn't used alone but rather in conjunction with MTX and Planquenil.
Hiya Julie. As Lucy (above) says here it's known better by it's generic name sulfasalazine, we tend to use them over brand names as they differ from country to country.
I try not to write negatively about meds, particularly when a med is being considered, but SSZ didn't cut it for me I'm afraid. It was my third DMARD & generally I'm tolerant of meds but this defeated me, though I did give it a good go. It does work for many though so don't let my experience of it influence you. It caused such a low mood & nausea (even with an antiemetic) that it was stopped & now I'm on methotrexate (which I'd been on the 8 years previously) & leflunomide (since last November).
I hope it helps you, though there are others if it doesn't so don't worry.
Thank you Lucy and nomoreheels. I haven't started the sulfasalazine yet. My doctor wants me to add a dmard to the orencia. I don't really want to go on methotrexate because then I can no longer enjoy a glass of wine. My doctor is very strict when it comes to having any alcohol at all when on methotrexate. I'm nervous about adding the sulfasalazine, or shall I say the side effects. The orencia seems to finally be starting to work. It's very subtle, but I'm noticing a difference.
I don't drink so it's not an issue for me though anything above 17.5 mg (subcut) & my liver has a benny so it's just as well! Your Rheumy probably explained it is generally the preferred DMARD when used in combination with Orencia (abatacept) & other biologics as it's considered to be more effective but if you like a drink then it's understandable why you chose SSZ. I hope it helps.