I recently read a post who had lumps under the skin on their hands and fingers , I can't find that post for live nor money . Please can you get in contact as I have the exact same and would like to find out if it's part of the RA or is it something else . The person who posted the post thought it had something to do with the methotrexate they were on . Although I'm not on that I have exactly the same bumps and they are driving me mad
Lumps under the skin : I recently read a post who had... - NRAS
Lumps under the skin

Sounds like nodules
Nurse said it's pompholyx gave me a cream it's prone to people with ra .
Hi, the latest on this subject was 3 days ago I think. It could have been Anne_57. Title was about lumps on fingers but nodules were mentioned in the replies. I had 3 nodules but they went when I stopped my MTX, it took about 4 weeks for them to go. They were sore and in the way of me doing stuff. Cheerio from Susie.
hi- it was me. Lumps are still appearing but i have ap'mnt with GP for next week so will discuss then . They are not nodules but more like little red blisters and are exactly where i touch bottle tops, blister packs, etc, which is why i wondered it it was an allergy. I'll let you know if i get a definitive answer. Just a bit weird as I've never had them before RA or medication.