Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for November 2012

clearer keyboard

use a laptop but am finding it very difficult because I keep missing the keys. I...
cobweb profile image

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit

Big sorrys, I've just seen that I've told you most of my news already, I rabbit ...
cobweb profile image


I haven't been on this site for several days, by the time I think about getting ...
cobweb profile image
Want to take advantage of all our features? Just log in!

What do others think about the site benefits and work is it beneficial to us, or to the fakers.

Do we need training to pass the E S A assessment. The benefits and work site cha...
bob2421 profile image

Pain pain and more pain

As if things were not bad enough i had to have a fall yesterday, believe it or n...
lindamorgan profile image

Is feeling as if your body isn't your own normal?

I've had such a dreadful day today :-( (think all the writing filling in the DLA...
RaeJ70 profile image

Blue Badge Success

I have today been given the honour of a Blue Badge...not sure if pleased is the ...
Jezobelle profile image

Vitamin D deficiency makes pains worse, anyone heard this?

The Rhuemetologist has requested more blood tests to check Vitamin D levels. H...
nanatofour profile image

atos medical no points

i just recived a phone call after atos medical to say i been awared no points an...
petervaughan profile image

I'm so cross with myself

I just went to make myself a cuppa soup for my lunch at work and as I poured the...
lynnecw profile image

Really suffering at the mo

Sorry guys this isn't going to be a positive post. I am feeling so so rubbish an...
Teddysmum43 profile image

fatigue V s pain

can i ask does anyone else get days where the fatigue is far worse than pain and...
moss profile image

Hello!It's been a long journey!

I have been suffering from excruciating pain in various place for the last ten y...
Raemomma profile image

Malteser Cake (yum! yum!)

Here (especially for ladymoth and irisjoy) is my recipe for MALTESER CAKE. 4o...
phlebo123 profile image

ME isn't all in the mind, but it's still a mystery -- newspaper article -- you may like to read this!

Hi All -- Yesterday in The Daily Telegraph there was an article about ME (CFS) b...
phlebo123 profile image

pain pains and more pains

does anybody else having shooting pains in the legs , especialy my right leg tha...
lorsinc profile image

Feeling abandoned

Hi I don't think I've posted on here before but I am so low today I could do wit...
SuzyB profile image

What if any treatment do you get?

I was diagnosed with FM 10 years ago by the rheumatologist after the diagnosis h...
bodeia profile image

awake again!!!!!!

Having trouble staying asleep, manage a good few hours and then its as if my dog...
vikki profile image

Vitamin D

I came across this article today, talking about why Vit d deficiency is so wides...
Hidden profile image

Completing DLA & BLUE BADGE forms hell! :-(

Today I have just plucked up the courage to start to fill in my DLA & BLUE BADGE...
RaeJ70 profile image

The end of the day

OK my day started i bit black but has ended with a more positive me thankfully a...
Hidden profile image

Does any1 no if i can get help with child care? I have a 2yr old and its really not fair on him

I cant take him out like i used to he goes to 2 playgroups a week that i find a ...
sharne27 profile image

I have just received my dreaded esa letter now I am waiting for a phone assessment, this has restarted my depression and anxiety attacks,

has anyone been placed in the support group at the telephone assessment stage, o...
bob2421 profile image

Is there a difference between fibro and ME?

sweetiepie profile image

Does anyone know anything about GABAPENTIN.?

hi my fibro friends, I've been taken off of my amitriptyline due to my liver fun...
Waterfall profile image

Today, something very strange

I have ongoing troubles with my eyes visual and movement. My eyes wander because...
Ozzygirl64 profile image

does any1 else experience hair loss? Ive lost loads

sharne27 profile image

It's my Birthday and I'll cry if I want to...

I just want to cry..... I had a couple of good days last week where I felt norma...
peppersoo profile image

new diagnosis help !!!

Hi all I got diaqgnosed with FM about 6 weeks ago. Ive suffered with pelvic pain...
sharne27 profile image