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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for October 2021

Experience with small endometriomas causing huge pain & egg harvesting

Hi all, This is my first post and I'm hoping for a little advice. I was diagnose...
EllieMac99 profile image

(TW// Sexual assult) Has anyone experienced SA with a partner that knew certain sex acts would be painful for you? Safe space for all!!

(TW// in this post I'm going to mention in mild detail some SA scenarios where s...
ArtyPal profile image

Suspect endo, should I get a laparoscopy?

Just joined and first time posting! So I’ve had a few varying symptoms over the...
Jusm689 profile image
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Stinging pain across right side

Hi, I have endo and have had many laparoscopys. In my last laparoscopy I had th...

Please help me find a doctor :)

Hi! I moved from Germany to London last week and would be very grateful for your...
Pia_ profile image

Cancelled laparoscopy again!

I’m so stressed, I’ve been anxious for days waiting for my diagnostic laparoscop...
Gothchic profile image

Post lap

Hi all! I am now officially one week post lap and excision, seem to be healing a...

Laparoscopy pre assessment/BMI query

Hi all, Any advice appreciated. I have a pre telephone appt tomorrow followed ...
Sweet-gal profile image

New member

Hi, I hope it's OK to post here as I have not received any diagnosis yet but I a...
Starrling profile image

Hysterectomy date!

Hi! I had the follow up from my lap a month ago this morning, and got the date ...
EndoSuckss profile image

Hip pain and pain spreading?

Does anyone else get extreme pain in their hip? It feels like it’s your bone. I ...

Zoladex implant

First time poster alert! Finally been diagnosed with endometriosis. My consulta...
Mali87 profile image

Mirena coil

I’ve had the mirena coil since may but every month I’ve been bleeding a lot more...
Jade2997 profile image

Getting nervous

Well 2 days to go for my 1st laparoscopy I had my covid test done today so now j...
Jaye75 profile image

Mood swings

Hi all I got out on prostap to calm my severe endo down before IVF. I've done it...
Buisquits profile image

Suffering with my bowel and losing weight.

Does anyone have endo in their bowel? Suffer with Diarrhea whenever they're on t...
Endo8701 profile image

Appealing PIP decision - advice needed please

Hi - my PIP was turned down after getting 6 points and I want to appeal this dec...
Wilder_ness profile image

Colorectal endo lap- share experiences please?

Hi everyone, so I finally went private after months and months of waiting on the...
G3miniStar profile image

Waiting times York gynaecologist?

Does anyone know waiting times for York gynaecologist referrals? I’ve struggled...
Jako1982 profile image

Feeling like a faker.

Good morning 💕 On Friday 1st i had a laparoscopy to see if i have Endometriosis...
Ibstum profile image

Post Lap

Hi everyone. I had my lap a couple of months ago and my follow up last week. My ...

Pain flare

Has anyone on Zoladex ever experienced flare up of pain when next injection due?...
Caitlincee1 profile image

Work query - time off for lap with excision

Hi there Just wanted to see other people’s experiences really. I’m going to be h...

MRI CT accuracy results confused

Hi there. I’ve just come out the other side of one of the scariest couple of wee...

Induction or c section choice.......Anyone found their Endo worse after C section??

So my consultant is suggesting I have an induction at 39 wks.(am 34 at present)....
AnnieMac123 profile image

Pain relief without more opioids

Does anyone have any suggestions for pain relief without more opioids? I was thi...
Macdunc29 profile image

Laparoscopy side effects or monthly cycle?

After 10 years of pain, numerous trips to the doctors & several scans, I was fin...
lwendo profile image

Positive stories please. 6DP5+DT FET

Ladies. Feeling pretty low this morning. Had one fresh transfer and one FET bot...

Struggling to work

I’ve always worked since leaving school, I hate not being able to work but my co...
Carrielou94 profile image

Multifollicular ovaries

Hi all! I have a follow up appointment next week to discuss the lap I had a mon...