Induction or c section choice.......Anyon... - Endometriosis UK

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Induction or c section choice.......Anyone found their Endo worse after C section??

AnnieMac123 profile image
8 Replies

So my consultant is suggesting I have an induction at 39 wks.(am 34 at present)..when I questioned their reasoning for this, she simply said it was due to my age and fact this was an IVF baby. No actual medical grounds .

I have been told an induction could last up to 3 days....and may still result in a c section if there is no movement after those 3 days. I worry that 3 days of contracting would take its toll of the baby and I can imagine being wrecked myself to be left to deal with recovering from a c section and a new born to look after. I really want to breastfeed as have used donor egg and feel it will be important for bond with baby. But worry I will be so tired I will end up with migraines and unable to manage it.

I asked what the options were and she said I could elect to have a c section but they would prefer if I took the induction.

My only fear with the c section is that the scar tissue from it may mean my Endo goes on to attack another area that was Endo free and healthy before!! I have already undergone 3 major laps to even get to the IVF stage, so there is lots of scars there already!!

Has anyone found their Endo got lots worse after a c section?

I like the idea of knowing the exact date baby will be born, and think I would feel less anxious knowing my partner will be there for whole thing (with the induction he will be sent home until I am well into established labour- cos of the covid rules and if am stuck there for 3 full days on my own am not sure how well I will cope!) At the same time I know this is major surgery and will take 6wks to heal fully. I honestly don't know what to do for best at the min..any advise would be really appreciated! Thanks!!

Lol baby could well take any choice away from me and arrive early...but I don't think I would be that lucky!!

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AnnieMac123 profile image
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8 Replies
EndoSuckss profile image

Hi! Congratulations on your baby ❤️

The situation you've explained you're dreading (3 days of contractions and then being tired etc etc!) is exactly what happened to me! I wasn't induced, but had contractions 7-10 mins apart for just under 3 days (about 2 hours less than lol, it was a looooong few days!) and both me and baby were exhausted by time we went for the section. I had the section under GA as there was no time for an epidural by that point, but I think the tiredness contributed to a difficult recovery from the anesthesia!

That said, my endo was only diagnosed after my c-section so I can't 100% say it was made any worse by it - but the pain I had when it came back after baby was born was certainly more intense than it was before (but in my 2nd lap last month they found adhesions on my scar, so that's probably why!)

What ever you decide, good luck! I have close friends that have had inductions without any issues at all and they went quickly and smoothly, so they aren't all long and hard going!

Fingers crossed baby makes the quickest and safest arrival in to the world ❤️

AnnieMac123 profile image
AnnieMac123 in reply to EndoSuckss

That's the thing isn't it..if we had a magic ball to see if the induction was gonna be easier than a 3 day slog I would be going for it. I almost hope baby makes his/her own decision and come before the 39th week

Dogmad6 profile image

My endometriosis got worse after having children by normal labour unfortunately. However, endometriosis is known to migrate into scar tissue so logically the induction would be better.

It's a really difficult decision that only you can make.

Perhaps your baby will decide so you don't have to!

Good luck! xx

stephkp profile image

I had ivf and was advised induction at 40 weeks. The reason my consultant gave was there is potentially some research that says the placenta may not function as well after that in women that have had ivf. There isn’t enough evidence either way though on this and it could be a lot of contributing factors that mean the placenta starts to fail in women who have had ivf i.e age, underlying health issues. For me, I decided I didn’t want to take the risk after waiting so long and went for induction at 40 weeks.

For me, induction didn’t work. At all. I never started having contractions, no real pain. I was in for 3 days initially, then sent home for a day. Then brought back in for the whole attempt to start again. They attempted to induce for 5 days total and literally nothing happened. Baby didn’t respond well to the prostin gel on day 3, but bounced back quickly.. The midwife said on the 5th day, if this doesn’t work, it will be a c section. I ended up having an emergency c section the following day anyway, as baby started squeezing his cord but there was time for an epidural and I was awake for it. What they didn’t tell me is that because i had a c section it would take longer for my milk to come in, just to warn you if you are hoping to breast feed.

I had stage 4 endo pre c section (diagnosed through lap), and I now have deep infiltrating endo, but my uterus is apparently completely normal on MRI. Some of my symptoms improved like my cycles became more regular, however some that weren’t bad before are worse now. I don’t know really how much that has to do with my c section or how much is just progression of disease.

I recovered really well from my c section (better than I did from my laparoscopy actually) but one thing I will say is that when I had birth plan appointments with my consultant I was regularly told, they didn’t want me to have a c section, due to my endo because of the risks that my other organs were not where they should be. They also said that they wouldn’t leave me to the point I would need a crash c section in the middle of the night for essentially the same reason. They wanted a full team, during the day with advanced surgeons to ensure if I had one, it was done right and it wasn’t just a skeleton staff overnight left to deal with it.

If you have any questions, just ask and good luck with whatever you choose x

AnnieMac123 profile image
AnnieMac123 in reply to stephkp

Oh wow you had an awful time of it. I can't believe they kept trying the induction for 5days. I can imagine you were left extremely anxious just waiting for labour to kick in and then worrying when baby reacted badly on 5th day. That is one of my biggest fears that baby will just not cope if induction goes on and on for days. Some times am thinking a c section is the best option for the baby's health. As long as I get the baby here ok I think I can handle whatever nasty surprises Endo has in store for me

stephkp profile image
stephkp in reply to AnnieMac123

Apparently that’s routine for induction. 3 days (day 1 and 2 are pessaries and day 3 is prostin gel), if nothing, you go home for a day then come back for another 3 days of the same, then you get a c section of you still haven’t progressed. I had said to the docs before that I didn’t think induction would work as babies head wasn’t even engaged and I don’t seem to respond to hormones. It was more boring than anything else, and frustrating as people came in after me and were moved through to delivery to have their babies and I just wanted to go home with mine. It became stressful when they said I was going to have to have a section because he was distressed. The main aim was to keep him safe and I felt he was throughout my induction. Had I known I would end up with a c section anyway, I would have just had one straight away.

Mine was also pre pandemic so my husband could be with me the entire time. I don’t think I would have been as patient if I was doing it during Covid.

Tillyfloss profile image

Hi. Congratulations😊. I know how difficult it can be and with stage 4 we also had ivf. Where your previous operations keyhole or open surgery? I’d had 2 previous open ops and one keyhole so they didn’t even give me the option of trying naturally I was told at my booking in appointment to prepare for that ( actually what we wanted as I had 4 days in labour and an emergency section with our first ) as they didn’t want to risk any problems with my previous scars. As it turned out I had placenta previa to which meant they did a very calm c-section at 37 weeks, I was well rested and even with complications ( not endo related ) I felt well and I was up and about much quicker than the first time, the whole experience was very positive. As far as my endometriosis is concerned I’ve had no issues, two years on at the most I take the odd paracetamol compared to the 29 pills I took daily and still ended up in hospital for pain control. I do have bowel endo and if I eat the wrong thing I can get a flare up but it’s much better than it used to be. Enjoy your last few weeks, get plenty of rest. Xx

AnnieMac123 profile image
AnnieMac123 in reply to Tillyfloss

Thank you ..yeah am thinking I might finish up at work in 2wks time and just rest up for the 2wks before Dday! Lol if baby doesn't make early entrance! All 3 of my surgeries were keyhole with between 4 and 6 incisions , and yeah stage 4 Endo too . Didn't find any of the laps too difficult to recover from...but was extremely tired following last one . there was only 6mts between last 2 surgeries so I think the anistetict took its toll on my body. I have a gp appointment this week and am just gonna ask her what's the best questions to be asking the consultant.

So annoying cos I haven't seen the lead consultant who helped me with all the IVF scans etc, he really knows what we have been through, I just keep getting consultants from his team and they all seem to bounce of each other for advise rather than give me definate answers.

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