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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for May 2016


Morning all...some good news at the consultant yesterday: my oestrogen level has...

Had first laparoscopy 4 weeks ago

And I'm still having horrible period aches every day, plus pains here and there....
Buttoon profile image

Waste of time!!

Hi ladies, I had my "follow up" appointment yesterday. What a WASTE of time! I d...
ellis13 profile image
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New here but need help

I'm am in an extreme amount of pain. Physiotherapist gave me exercise to do when...
kelbelle107 profile image

Breast pain

Hi wondering if any of you lovely ladies can tell me if u suffer severe breast p...
Nicolahunny profile image

Should I go ahead with Laproscopy

Hi I have been booked in for a Laproscopy for May 20th, my Gynaecologist isn't s...
Lou-j-a profile image

Should I go ahead with Laproscopy

Hi I have been booked in for a Laproscopy for May 20th, my Gynaecologist isn't s...
Lou-j-a profile image

Ovarian Cysts (Chocolate)

I'm new here.. Just saying hello. In 2013, I first started having pain with my c...
Hidden profile image

Appointment done x

Hey, just been to see Dr . He was really nice. He said he thinks I have endometr...
20something profile image

Flexible Sigmoid and Post Lap Period Pain

Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some guidance and similar experiences.  I had a lap...
Karen0477 profile image

Lap anxiety

I had my pre op today and the nurse said I seemed really anxious (which I am). I...
Jodiex profile image

High Hormone levels

Hi everyone I've just had a very worrying phone call from my consultant at St G...
nsimpson profile image

Back and leg pain endo ??

Just a little rant really, after continuous trips to my doctor for pain in the b...
Louoakley profile image


Hi guys, Just wondering .. Has anyone suffered with chronic infections ? For as ...
belsy profile image

Wish I'd found you long ago...

Hi Girls, hope you're all well ( as well as you can be with this).. I've had E s...
Suzie69 profile image

Recovery after lap?? I'm freaking out slightly !!!!!!

I've so much going on this summer and to be told yesterday that I need urgent su...
Don1980 profile image

Suspected Adenomyosis and BSGE centre

I have suspected adenomyosis and I am being referred to gynae. Should I request ...
Billybob12 profile image


I have a gynaecology appointment today and last time I when back in didn't see t...
klc93 profile image

Belly button pain

Hi all,  Over the last few months I've noticed when I have a period my belly but...
hanlouxxx profile image

Booked to see an endo specialist

Last 7 weeks have not been fun with back pain and pelvic pain and so in desperat...
Larrie7 profile image

Employment law

Anyone here an employment law specialist? Can you private message me please. 
Meeshka profile image

Zoladex-flare ups near end of month??

Hi all. So I have been on zoladex for 2 months. I'm due my last jab on Friday. I...
Mummycox33 profile image

What a day!

Well, I got up this morning, pick up my phone and start scrolling through fb. Sa...
xnanookx profile image

My gynea appointment went well!!

Hi ladies, saw the gynea consultant this morning. I'm booked in for a laparoscop...
Don1980 profile image

Word options and advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am really worried that I am going to lose my job due to my endometriosis. I've...
TitianRed321 profile image

Does the coil stop endo coming back?

Hi, I'm 23 and was diagnosed with endo last November aged 22. I was given a lap ...
RachelR profile image


Someone please help!! been suffering headaches on and off for 2 years, the docto...
lisamariexx profile image

Student research paper

Hello! First of all, let me just start of by saying how incredibly strong you al...
Hidden profile image

My story this month

And so the story sister had booked an afternoon tea for the bank holid...
Cabs profile image

Is this what a flare up is?

Hi...ive got endo which i known from having 2 laps the most recent last june whi...
cjampot profile image