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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for November 2013

Getting scared now :(

Ops on tuesday to remove the endormetriosis not having til till tea time ish bec...
sunblock profile image

Ovary removed

Two days ago I had my left ovary and falopian tube removed due to painful cysts ...
Dawnycustardx profile image

Bladder Endo

Hello lovely ladies. Have any if you had endometriosis on your bladder? If so ...
Hidden profile image
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Endo and Pilates - good or bad?

Hello, Ive just started Pilates and I'm enjoying it but yesterday after the sess...
bcairns24 profile image

I'm so bloated!! :( Is it from the Zoladex or from the HRT?

Hi all, I am 5 months into my into my Zoladex treatment with ad back HRT (premar...
Cooka profile image

Pain in groin and thigh and spikey pains in right pelvis

Does anyone get pain in groin and inner thigh? worrying more than usual at the m...
cupcake40 profile image

Watery mouth

Anyone get a watery mouth any time through the month? I seem to get more saliva...
wp22 profile image

I ended my period a week or so ago and I'm bleeding again, why?

I haven't had sex in three plus months and it was protected anyways. Also, I hav...
jylliandh profile image

Endo pain just six weeks after laproscopy? Is it healing or is it back already???

I was told the surgery went very well, and was really starting to feel alot bett...
IndieCindy profile image

Possibly going to cancel Laproscopy, please help!

Hi, I'm 20 and have been suffering with endo symptoms for about 2 years now (hea...

Feeling really low today...

Hi all, I usually have good and bad days but the word that really sums up how I...
MrsPanda profile image

Exercise and back pain?

Can anyone help, iv taken a while out of exercise as I was seriously struggling ...
Pink-Lilly profile image

Any one fallen pregnant after poor ovary reserve x

Anyone had a baby after Dr telling poor ovary reserve x
shazia profile image

HSG caused me so much pain!

So i had a hysterosalpingogram on 5th November the procedure itself was uncomfy ...
Hidden profile image

Dermoid cyst

Hi, I have been unwell for 5 months with abdominal and pelvic pain. I've passed ...
poppsie1 profile image

Ovulation pain! Is this normal?

Hello ladies I believe I ovulated earlier this week however following this iv ha...
Dancer53 profile image

I have severe endo and am due to have a full hysterectomy, bowel resection and removal of endo and lesions. Has anyone had the same?

I'm not sure what to expect after the operation and just how long the recovery p...
faffy73 profile image

Morning sickness (most of the day)

This was one of my earliest symptoms, I was convinced I was pregnant, turns out ...
Ria29 profile image

Had my surgery 8 days ago to remove severe stage 4 endo. My stomach is so swollen is this normal? I look 9 months pregnant x

Levi1122 profile image

I am going to see the gyno for the first time in a couple of weeks as my doc thinks i have all the signs of endo, please can anyone tell me

what to expect and if i do have it what are the options i have to get rid of it.
jan2012 profile image

newbie looking for advice!

hi there, am new. iv had endo since having my daughter, 7 yrs. and want to get p...
kelly87 profile image

Anyone on Oxynorm & Oxycodone?

I'm on Oxynorm instant release liquid 1ml/10mg every hour or can have 4ml/40mg e...

Canyou get endo at any age

I am 47 and my doc thinks i have endo
jan2012 profile image

Any advise or comments great fully received!

Hi All, well where do I start!! In August 2012 I was sterlised due to having BIG...
mary_curtis2008 profile image

On the move ..

Has anyone else had the problem of their uterus moving to a certain side of thei...

my doctor thinks i am showing signs of endometriosis. but i also get painsin my head and nose bleeds and i am sick,

does anyone else have these symptoms
jan2012 profile image

Thought my endo was back but apparently its ibs

I have never had any symptoms of ibs but after I had my hysterectomy I waa fine ...
vyse29 profile image

Please help with symptoms

Ive recently been experiencing a lot of pain in my thighs, legs, and hips before...
samanthax27x profile image

Waiting for letter for lap- how long should I wait?

Iv been waiting 3 weeks now, I went for my first gynae appointment last month an...
Pink-Lilly profile image

Hi, anyone have the endless brown/pink spotting that goes on all month?

It has started up again (last lap was 2 years ago and I have really lucky and re...
Pands profile image