Bladder Endo : Hello lovely ladies. Have... - Endometriosis UK

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Bladder Endo

11 Replies

Hello lovely ladies.

Have any if you had endometriosis on your bladder?

If so what were the symptoms and what treatment options are there?

I have a few weird wee problems and wondered if this could be down to Endo.

Thank you.

11 Replies
mama1 profile image


I had endo removed from my bladder in september, i had to wee a lot and always felt that when i went to urinate i would only have a small amount but felt like my bladder was full.

Was up for the toilet 5 or 6 times during the night, and constantly during the day.

in reply to mama1

Can I ask if you felt like you wanted to wee again after you had just been?

mama1 profile image
mama1 in reply to

Yes, i never felt like my bladder ever emptied, i never knew before my lap that i had endo on my bladder.

Had endo removed , for me it was a bit of a nightmare had a few complications with the op and ended up having to stay in hospital for 6 weeks, and had to have a cathata for 5 weeks on tablets now, doc told me the surgeon damaged a valve in my bladder so will prob be on tablets for life, but all things considered i have no endo pain, no periods, im back at the gym and living a life again.

Hughffy profile image

I have endo on my bladder and I constantly feel the need to go. I am up several times at night as it seems to flare up more during the night, even when I have gone I still feel the need to go again. I get really agitated and an uncomfortable feeling in my legs which I can't settle until I have gone to empty my bladder, not that it feeels it's empty Currently waiting to see my gynecologist this month about it

Sweetyassi profile image

Hi, I had Endo in my bowels in 2009, my bowels became blocked, I couldn't opens my bowels or go for a wee. I couldn't eat, drink or sleep. I was vomiting had terrible hiccups, my skin turned yellow. I was in so much pain I could feel my life fading. I looked like I was 9 months pregnant. I had to have emergency bowel op, they removed part of my big bowel and reattached the rest to the small bowel. Please, please don't leave it too late to get it removed. My GP mucked me around and I was turned away from the hospital, they thought it was very bad period pains. It's only when I had to do a urine sample and couldn't do it and threw up all over the place they took my serious

sparkleghost profile image

Hi Cuddlybarb,

My gynae told me that I have endo "on"/"over" my bladder. She did not trouble herself with going into any detail about this and I was too inexperienced to ask at the time so please forgive me if this isn't the same thing!

My primary endo issues are back pain, cramping and bowel problems so to be honest I have never really noticed much wrong with my bladder but your post made me think. Not sure how much (if any) of this is endo-related but I will tell you my experiences!

Like the ladies above I do feel the need to urinate frequently. Sometimes I find it hard to "go" even though I know I need to and find myself sat there for several minutes convincing my body to try! My sleep is interrupted by loo breaks most nights. I had always attributed this to side effects of various drugs they have tried me on (citalopram, tramadol, codeine, pro stap etc) but maybe this is wrong.

Another thing that may or may not be connected is I suffer a lot with cystitis. This seems to be easily aggravated and triggered by hardly anything. Maybe you ladies could let me know if you find the same or think it is likely to be a separate issue?

So sorry to hear you are having bladder problems. Hope it gets sorters soon x x

Catness profile image

If may also be worth looking into interstitial cystitis. I have this and endo so my bladder is all over the place! Xx

Does sound a bit like you may have endo. Until you get to see GP/Hospital try cutting out any drinks that are diuretic as they make you wee more often. xx

Pands profile image

I had a lump of deep infiltrating endo that was almost through my bladder wall. Was found unexpectedly at my lap and was excised. I hadn't realised there was anything especially wrong with my bladder and didn't mention anything to do with my bladder 'issues' at my gynae appointment. BUT I was always needing to wee - it was a joke amongst my friends that I would have to go 2-3 times every time we met up. I got up in the night. I always knew where the toilets were when we went anywhere and I was forever going 'just in case'. If I tried to wait it out like everyone else seemed to be able to I felt like I was in pain as I was so desperate.

After my lap and the unexpected bladder involvement I was completely different within about 2 days despite the op pain - it was a revelation. I could wait for hours before I needed a wee, never get up in the night, car journeys are not interrupted etc etc. I hadn't realised that the problems I was having were endo-related, I just thought it was just me. Best wishes.

Thank you ladies for the above replies.


Juleyanne profile image

I often wonder if there is bladder involvement as I am awoken by awful pain which cuts through my sleep and I am back and forth to the loo throughout the night, badly affecting my sleep. Even after each time I go, I really ache in my pelvis, back and hip and find myself lying in bed pulling my right leg up to my chest to try and stretch out this horrible tight pain and feeling right over where my right ovary is. I previously had both damaged tubes removed due to endo and adhesions later restuck the tube stump to my right ovary and to my bowel the left side and sticky scar tissue was around my belly button where I had laps over the years and investigations. I am now into menopause and have no periods so this is not period pain and I have a history of severe endo and adhesions. Tried Mirena, tried Zoladex and so far conclusion is adhesions glueing my pelvis and stomach. I notice during the night I get low back pain and hip pain as well as pelvic and stomach pain and I have concluded along with the Gp that when my bladder or bowel starts to fill up during the night, it pulls and tugs nerves connected with scar tissue build up. It puts pressure on adjacent organs such as bladder and bowel, hence pain and need to urinate. I have just had the night from hell, no pain relief touched this pain

tried every pain relief, anti spasmodic and stool softener but nothing worked. I still have groin ache and am totally fatigued. I will switch to Ibuprofen 400 or 600 as codeine can bung you up badly and add to the pressure, pushing on other organs. I like others find when I do get up to wee it feels like I should have quite a flow but often it isn't much at all.

I frequently have to have urine tests as I have all the symptoms of bladder infection and often it proves not to be an infection, so it has to be something else.

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