Posts - Anxiety Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety Support

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All posts for November 2013

Save your Bitching for Facebook . We don't need it

Since when did this site turn into a Jeremy Kyle stage. Genuine sufferers come o...
ilsonbunny profile image


I have actually managed to get a dr's appt. for 11th December with the doctor of...
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I'm coming to the end of my mindfulness course and though the formal meditation ...
Want to take advantage of all our features? Just log in!

Anybody having trouble logging on ,? just coming up error try again later, had download google chrome to write this. (am on windows 8) ?

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Here is something to keep in mind...

For a lot of us suffering with anxiety it's a hard task to deal with. But as I'v...
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1 month on cipralex and anxiety has improved :-)

I am able to go places, get buses without all the panic I felt before I was pret...
smeelicious profile image

Just feel so ill this morning with this awful anxiety..Does anyone else feel the same thing with it

I dread every morning because I feel so ill ..I get tummy troubles so bad, I can...
Tudor55 profile image

self-harming and suicide my dark friends

Ive in some way or another suffered from thoughts of self harm and suicide, but ...
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Once Bitten Twice Shy

Hi All, My last post and comment for the night. Cherrytrees. Could you, or your...
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STOPPPPPPP ( sorry for caps)

Hi all, sorry to rant but enough is enough, we have turned this site into a war ...
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offensive posts 2

please don't be wary of posting. as well as hitting report, we can do something ...
hamble99b profile image

Down to the Waterline

Hi All but mainly, Ashley, Bonnie and Donnver, I take it you have all seen the g...
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Hi All, This is now the third time I have tried to send this post, been blocked ...

cbt appointment - quicker than expected

I've got my first proper cbt appointment next week, wasn't expecting anything fo...
LadySaabra profile image

Not doing so well....

I've given it a lot of though about leaving the site but today by goodness do I ...
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I get anxiety and panic attacks for no reason, tonight I am worse as I have a cold and feel my breathing is laboured. Help

Had a puff of ventolin seems to have helped, and put a steam machine on in bedro...
Cazbaz01903 profile image


As you all know I went to London last week to discuss HA. Went down the day bef...
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Feeling really bad

I have been doing really well but tonite I feel as if there's a brick on my ches...
adele78 profile image

offensive posts

If you read a post or a response that breaks the hu guidelines, please hit the r...
hamble99b profile image


Concerning that they are finding a lot more school children with mental health p...
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hi guys hows everyone doing tonight? ready for monday? anyone have any tips to help me sleep,,,, luv sammy x

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Had 3 grand children all weekend absolutely shattered. Sat here with a glass of...
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New username

Holly50 now holly1950
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Cat drama day x

Hi all hope we are all well? x Well at last I am calming down after a hecti...
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I'm can't believe what I've just read...

Whywhy has left:( I've not been on for a while as I've been getting myself on t...
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physical symptoms not good advice please guys

Hi guys would you say these symptoms are anxiety. Racing pulse, chest pain, a sc...
cherub2012 profile image

Hello all, long time no speak :)

Hey to you all, I see a lot of people on here that I haven't spoken too, and a f...
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How did I completely forget ... that I used to self-harm?!

When asked about self-harming and suicide re. depression, over the last few year...
Sapphire3 profile image

shaking x

Hi all hope we are well?? Well today I have a new problem x I have this sort a t...
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Another benifit sanction on the way?

I signed on on Wednesday, & according to the clerk who signed me, I didn`t sign ...
hairyfairy profile image