Hi all hope we are all well? x
Well at last I am calming down after a hectic day x It started well, had a lovely morning and then a nice Sunday dinner x Sat down turned the computer on then I heard my hubby screaming, I dropped the computer and ran, the adrenalin going, he was shouting get the dog in, so I brought our little papliion in x The house next door is empty and 2 large lurcher's dogs had come into the garden barking and he thought they where attacking our dog, they were,nt x But they had a cat, the hubby told me to go in the house, but no adrenalin took hold, and some may say stupidly I went to the empty garden and hit the dog with a brush it would,nt let go f the cat x So i hit it with a brick bit silly I know I like dogs but I love cats x It would not let go more went for me, a lad then appeared and got the dog and I took teh cat into my home, where Im sad to say I could,nt save it, he died x I rand the rspca and they told me it was not there concern if the animal was dead x So we found the cat owner who told me to pee off he was,nt bothered x The dog owner returned and apologised it was his friend walking the dog for him. The cat has now been buried and it deserved some dignity x Poor soul x Well after that my adrenalin has eased but im buggered xx Donna xx