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Anxiety Support

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All posts for May 2013

Swaying Motion?

Does anyone else experience a swaying motion when they are walking or standing u...
teabags profile image

I'm Alive...barely!

So thought I'd check in after my near death experience last night(being dramatic...
Hidden profile image

Cant shake off the feeling

Suns out meds going well no side effects now, stopped drinking alchol 2nd week i...
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I seem to suffer from every thing

Hello this is my first blog so I may make a complete mess up. ...
Hidden profile image

i am on day 4 of 25mg of sertarline is there anyone else on these tablets and don't have many side effects

and how long before i can tell they are working as i am fed up with this anxiety...
beechcroft profile image

I will beat my anxiety

At the moment I'm currently on 60mg of propanolol to help with my anxiety.still ...
Lynne75 profile image

Why have I had headaches and been feeling sick for the past week?

I've suffered with quite severe depression since just before I started universit...
Littlesofty profile image

To all Admin's question regarding finding a psychiatrist

Hi, I'm a member of the thyroid community and the admins on there have a list of...
blackqueen65 profile image

Work related trauma

So my Occupational Health Nurse says the company have spent enough money on me. ...
vmhy profile image

Well here it comes

Well here it comes here comes the night. ...

Anxiety Bubble..

Over the last few day's, it's been almost like a bubble has been getting thicker...
GlobalJ3 profile image

Horrible recurring thoughts

Well I've been feeling this way for about 1 1/2 months. I wake up anxious and I ...
AnxiousGal profile image

Gym tonight

So after yesterday's little vent I decided to get up in better mood..I thought t...
Hidden profile image

Feel terrible..........

As many of you know i had been off work months and now being phased back in. Las...
seyi profile image

I have anxiety due to worry about a stressful situation regarding my child. I wake up feeling so nervous, meds make me worse. Any tips?

This has been ongoing for 4 months. 3 different meds later I have give up on the...
Wants2behappy profile image

This morning

Just got back from Tesco's took my friend Anxiety with me,slight tremble of leg...
teabags profile image


Yesterday went to the doctors to get my monthly prescription,the he said you ha...
teabags profile image

Is there anyone that has exlerianced pressure in your head, dizziness, and neck pain? I have had it fkr months now with no solution?

I have taken muscle relaxers, had a steroid shot, and have taken a z pack for in...
bdearden profile image

Does anyone else feel less anxious at night?

I feel more anxious and my anxiety seems to be worse in the morning. I have thou...
AnxiousGal profile image

herbal remedies

hi has anyone tried herbal remedies for anxiety im on tablets which have made me...
sparkler8282 profile image

Any advice on dealing with anxiety during times of 'real' stress??

I suffer from health anxiety after having a break down 3 years ago. Initially it...
Matildea profile image

please help me to know whether anxiety causes high blood pressure x x

does anxiety cause high blood pressure. Been diagnosed a while ago but don't kno...

Has anyone been diagnosed with high blood pressure due to anxiety x

Has anyone been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure because of the anxiety? Or is...

The shakes

Hi everyone, I've been waking up a 5pm each morning and can't get back to sleep ...
partygal profile image

I have recently found out that if you are having treatment for anxiety attacks you should report this to the DVLA. Has anyone done this.

cookie001 profile image

Trouble with benefits people

Is anyone on this site on jobseekers allowance? Iv`e been searching for work for...
hairyfairy profile image

Anyone else??

Does anyone else when sat down get a wave of weirdness feels like someone shakin...
Vonnie74 profile image

Feel so uncomfortabe.

Last night didnt sleep until half 6 this morning all i did was watch a film and ...
ahmedkobz89 profile image

Newbie so bear with me- is this anxiety?

So I feel so under pressure to be everything to everybody- perfect wife, perfect...
august1982 profile image

Health anxiety- how bad does it get for you?

Hi, I've been suffereing with health anxiety for years now, My recent concern ...
stuboyz profile image