does anxiety cause high blood pressure. Been diagnosed a while ago but don't know if its my anxiety that is causing the problem x
please help me to know whether anxiety cau... - Anxiety Support
please help me to know whether anxiety causes high blood pressure x x

on a short term basis I guess it could cause high blood pressure because anxiety makes you panic which in turn makes your heart go faster and that will make your blood pressure rise but in a long term condtion am not sure.
Hi Sarah I was diagnosed yesterday with high blood press cause of anxiety again not long term but yeah ur heart races so guess ur pressure would be up but don't worry it's all gonna be fine !!
Hi Sarah
I have high blood pressure , had it since I was about 30 which is young , I have always suffered with anxiety as well
When you are anxious , it does make your blood pressure go higher but your GP then usually has you back in intervals to see if it goes down , when it doesn't then yes you are suffering with high blood pressure
So what I am saying is , anxiety doesn't help blood pressure , but I don't think it causes it
I am on meds & its kept mine normal , may be the only normal thing about me
Have they started you on meds ?
Try not to worry , they will get it down & everything will be fine
I had high blood pressure and suffer with anxiety it has now been regulated I take one tab a day called ramapril and it is now ok..
Sue xxxx
I answered you question on questions.
but you have put extra info on here. so here goes again.
I've been diagnosed with high blood pressure, after 33yrs of anxiety.
Its nothing to worry about, and i'm on tablets, and after 2 months I have had no side effects to them or the cholesterol tablets.
Personally I think there linked but thats my personal opinion.
There again I smoke, so it could be those as well.
I agree B I'm same as you, but smoke too...I think high blood pressure and anxiety are linked..hope your well
Sue xxx
Hi Sue,
I'm good, been gardening today trimming the wifes bush.
Hope your well.

I use veet, what do u use lol xxx
haha...............glad someone got my little joke, and I new it would be you Cookster
I have to use shears these days, lol.
Well I did get it , but needed someone like our friend Cookie to reply
And of course she did in true Cookie style
Anxiety can cause a short term rise in blood pressure because it causes an adrenalin rush.
However the biggest cause of high blood pressure is SMOKING!
This is closely followed by obesity,alcohol, abuse, diabetes and lack of exercise.Also you should avoid fatty foods.But please whatever you do stop smoking.You may think it is hard to stop and after 30yrs of smoking the only thing that stopped me was a heart attack.And nobody wants that!
Thanks grogboy,
your right, smoking is the one thing I really need to come to terms with. I only smoking 8 cigs, but really need to cut it down again, till I can stop.
Just get on with your gardening B.If you can cut down on the cigs all the good but the exercise will certainly do you good.In fact if you just take a trip down the A2 you can come and trim my cherry tree.and cut the grass for me.
You seem to be doing very well and the 8 cigs are nothing compared to my 50!!
All the best xGrog
Hi grogboy,
I've never smoked a lot but its taken its toll.
I expect your cherry tree is still in bloom, and hasn't the grass grown this year. I did my aunties, and had to give it two cuts, then another 2 weeks after.
I'm lucky, my house is on the chalk grassland hillside, and they kept the original grass so its full of wild flowers grasshoppers, and doesn't grow very tall.
Hi B, yes i know your area quite well.
My aunt and uncle used to live in Whitfield.Also I used to work for Rumbelows who were taken over by Thorn Homeserve and then Radio Rentals.I was a TV and Video installer and Dover Deal Ramsgate and Folkestone was my "patch"
By the way I missed your little joke at first but even that exercise is good for you!
All the best
I used to be a martial arts teacher and exercise was not a stranger, amazing how quick our bodies can go downhill, and yes i'll give THAT exercise a go
I live in the buckland estate in an ex council house, just down from whitfield, nothing special, but my piece of heaven.
Oh yes I know the good old Buckland.When I first went there I found it hard to navigate my way around,A nice place to live and it was only 3 years ago when I bought a Land Rover that was on sale on E Bay from there.If I remember it was either Knights Way or Knights Avenue.It's really good to chat with you B at least it takes my mind off this good for nothing anxiety.
Best wishes.Grog
Thanks everyone for your comments and I do smoke so that will have to be the next thing on my list to give up. I have even tried drinking apple cider vinegar in the hope it would sort it out but it didn't and it makes me so nervous checking my blood pressure that it is always high. I am on ramipril for my blood pressure but I find they cause anxiety too but I don't want to risk having a stroke or heart attack so stay on them. I am so scared all the time that I will have a stroke and leave my kids without a mother! I am 37 and feel doomed sorry for being a moaner. Thank you so much everyone it means so much that you have taken the time to reply. Thank you kindly x x x x
Hi you are not a moaner at all.Like all of us here you need help and re-assurance..I am also on rampiril and it is very good although it does tend to make you feel very tired.As long as you are sensible with your diet etc I would hope that age 37 your chances of a stroke or heart attack are very remote.GOOD LUCK in all you do.
Aww I'm the same I've had panic attacks for 15 years and got diagnosed with high blood pressure 5years ago now, I'm on lisinopril 5mg once a day and that's stabilised mine, but I always fear that I'm gonna have an heart attack or stroke then end up panicking more I'm 37 and always wondered if anxiety caused blood pressure. I always thought I was going insane and was the only one suffering, it's good to have people who understand how your feeling.
X x x
I know how you feel Saturday I had to have facet injections got to the hospital nurse did checks BP was173/78 got me in the theatre it went the roof I just panic. X
If it gives you any reasurance and I am not intending to be preachy but my partner has very high blood preassure and suffers from long term depression. He also has various other ailments and quite a stressful job sometimes very. He is monitored regually by our doctor and the surgery nurse. He manages to have a semi active life but has never smoked. We have a son who is nearly 19 but my partner has had both the depression and high blood pressure all our son's life. There has been surgery on an artery in his neck but that was very positive with no side effects. He is now 53. What I am trying to say is that although it is difficult (as someone who is off work with anxietyI do recognise this.) try and take one day at a time and try and make that day as special as possible because you will never have that day again. Do things with your kids even it is just talking or dancing in the rain. I find that doing things with friends and family including exercise makes me feel better.
Mystery Reader
Hi Sarah, there are lots of different meds for bp, perhaps if you feel it causes you anxiety you could let your gp know and see if another one suits you better. I was diagnosed with high bp whilst pregnant too and just to reassure you it is controlled by meds and now 20 years later ... ! Try and think we are the lucky ones, we know we have it and it can be controlled by medication. High bp generally has no symptoms and there are many walking around with no idea their bp is high.
Hi there,
I've persistent high blood pressure for years along with OCD and anxiety. I finally went to a psychiatrist last week who has diagnosed bipolar type 2.
Anyway, as is my wont, I googled everything in the world about BP 2 and found that there is a very close link between this disorder and hypertension. It appears that the dysregulation in the brain causes both Bipolar disorder and hypertension at the same time.
I'm not saying you have bipolar!!!! What I am saying is that researchers are finding more and more evidence to show that mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety and BP, are very closely associated. It's not as simple as anxiety causing hypertension, or hypertension causing anxiety, but it may be that they are both manifestations of the underlying disorder.
Can I just add another massive frown here, because I'm monumentally pissed off at finding out I have bipolar. REALLY CROSS
When I first had my anxiety attack it started with high blood pressure.When you get too excited,it s impossible not to have heart beats and high blood pressure.However,even the excitment goes away it sometimes stays a little longer.
I have had for 8 years now and the blood pressure goes up from time to time and whenever I have it properly checked and followed it goes down.My opinion is,yes they are related but,no anxiety won't cause it on short or long term.
Good luck
Love and happiness
Hello , I have high blood pressure. I have had this condition from being 19 years old. I am now nearly 61. You will find that your blood pressure changes. I used to take my blood pressure several times a day which made me more stressed when it went up. If you need to take medication, you will get used to taking it and I know that some of the medication for high blood pressure also helps with anxiety. I have been an anxious person all my life so I think that when you are anxious your blood pressure goes up. I would try not to worry too much, but saying that is easier said than done. Hope this little bit of advice helps. Take care. Carol x
I am very happy to find this post very useful for me, as it contains lot of information. I always prefer to read the quality content and this thing I found in your post.
I always had low blood pressure, but a recent bout of anxiety revealed that it wasn't low any more - not exactly high, but high enough to take beta blockers. Hey presto - within an hour the racing heart had stopped! Don't know if this is relevant, but I have taken them for three days and the anxiety has calmed down. I now have to find out whether I take them permanently or just when I have a blip.xx