Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for July 2016

ANA pattern

I had a recent ANA test that came back 1:640. If I am reading the results corre...
shareasmile profile image

Pain relief

Hey, I am often hiding in the wings reading peoples posts but I need something,...
purplecats profile image

I have moved house !!

Here I am again, I just can't stay away :))) I regularly read the messages and ...
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Jaw pain

Ugh seems the gremlin has decided to hide out in my jaw joint. Hurts like mad! ...
Amhoarten profile image

Bad insurance.. :(

I'm 18 with major pinky locking and hand inflammation,weakness, numbness, tendon...
Lilynette profile image

Shingles Vaccine

Hi I'm due to have the shingles vaccine tomorrow, but concerned with being on 15...
jackiestu profile image


Picking up Naproxen today and overheard pharmacy staff commenting that I take to...
Littlemunch profile image

New to RA

Hi all Last year I had 1 nodule on my knee now I have RA from my head to toes. I...
ItaDon profile image

Just diagnosed

Hi I have now been diagnosed with inflammatory arthiritus. Is it RA? I am going...
Lomo1964 profile image

Blood results and diagnosis

Hi. I've been dx with RA for 2 years (I'm 33). I have anti ccp of 40 and RF of 7...
Elmo333 profile image

Just want to know

I have raised for about 7 months now and it seems to be getting worse. Then l...
Hurtalot profile image

Ferrous fumerate

Hi- has anyone been prescribed these who has rheumatoid arthritis? If so, how ha...
Moomin8 profile image

Elbow pain and wrist pain

Does anyone have any tips on how to help elbow pain , I cant find a way to sit o...
bflat profile image

Pilates class. Or should that read "farce".

So here is my latest tale of woe is me. On the advice of doctors and seemingly e...
Bon1 profile image

Methotrexate injection

I start mtx injections this coming up Tuesday. Hospital won't show me how to in...
Penny66 profile image

Clean eating's dirty secret!

I've just watched the above programme on my BBC Iplayer app and it's quite inter...
Ali_H profile image

Feel pretty rotten still.........

Morning all,well i have thrush to add to the anaemia. I am on a second course of...
sylvi profile image

So tierd

I am sat here and feel so so tierd. I have RA hypothyroidism fibromyalgia and Ra...

My brother thinks I make it up!

This happens weekly and each time I get upset and frustrated. My brother will r...
IzzyLane profile image

Golimumab reviews please!!!

Anyone using Golimumab? As really nervous on starting a biologic! ....
-Mii profile image

Sore throat

Does anyone else on methotrexate suffer with almost permanent sore throat an swo...
Marykate7 profile image

Washing up

Hi staying with my brother who lives in Suffolk. Looked at the washing up from l...
Matilda_1922 profile image

Great News Mattcass.

After 4 days off constant tests I have been put on the selective list so it's a ...
mattcass profile image


I tried to post earlier but family life must've intervened as I can't find the p...
cathie profile image

A great workshop with HealthUnlocked!

We had a really exciting workshop yesterday with HealthUnlocked (HU) discussing ...
Shivam-NRAS profile image

NRAS Group Meetings Next Week

Dear All Please find details below of the NRAS group meetings taking place next...
Kim-NRAS profile image

Day 10 L/H Knuckle Replacement

My plaster was removed yesterday morning. Normally it's left on for 2 weeks but ...
LindaLegs profile image

fixed shoulder

has anyone had their shoulder fixed i really need a replacement but as it my ar...
66ra profile image


Hi guys Thought that I would share this with you. I have RA for a while now, How...
Gitaga profile image


To all those who have been following me and my PIP application. The dreaded brow...
Leonwp profile image