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Anxiety Support

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All posts for June 2017

Barely getting by

The days seem like they're just dragging along. Even though I manage to not expl...

My Life.

I'm having troubles to sleep, my fingers are shaking, and I'm paranoid after rec...

any experience with venlafaxine (effexor xr)?

I've been taking it for 3 days and I've been having a lot of annoying symptoms l...
niletaki profile image
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Hi Everyone

Soooooo I'm headed out again. My Cousin is picking me up and as I'm waiting... I...
Peacewithin1 profile image

Anxiety from vertigo

I feel crazy, sad and little bit hopeless. I have OCD and anxiety. Truth be told...
Kim2000 profile image


Did anyone ever have bladder pain from anxiety?
Hidden profile image

what a day!

second day of citalopram. cant sleep, cant eat, dilusional , hallucinating , num...
K16AB profile image

Current situation

Me right now
Kerstindyer profile image

What now

So, I went for my well woman's exam yesterday. I was very anxious but I have a r...
Mama1204 profile image

Getting urges

I was wondering if anyone gets weird scary urges for the last 2 weeks I've been ...
heather27 profile image

Phobia Of Choking

Hi! I'm 18 and new here and for my whole life...I have been terrified to take pi...
MM6789 profile image

Health Anxiety

I'm currently pregnant with my second child and I cannot for the life of me stop...
wallkath profile image

If serc works for dizziness does that mean I do have bppv?

Or could it help inner ears that have become hypersensitive due to stress?
Sacolucci profile image

Feeling indifferent

Today my day assed in a haze, feeling indifferent, like i could feel that i am j...

A small thought .....

I watched a documentary this week, about people who were made to watch a very sc...

stay positive

never give up
Hidden profile image

believe in your self

believe in your self that u can do this i have learned a lot throw out the years...
Hidden profile image

Ovarian cancer? Worried

Hi, I'm kelsi, I haven't posted on here for ages but I'm honestly sick with worr...

Does anyone get head spins when lying down.

I don't know if I am tripping myself out, but I get head spins only when I am th...
Sacolucci profile image

Cant sneeze...

Yup. For whatever reason, i cant sneeze. It sounds weird but i just cant. I will...
Ill_Ryder profile image

Health anxiety help?

Hello, all. Admittedly, I am a hypochondriac. Last year, I went into the ER beca...
emilayformat profile image

Birth control and anxiety !?

Looking for everybody's input on birth control while having anxiety do you thin...
JoMarie5 profile image

hey everyone so i would like to ask a question if anyone doesnt mind what do you think ?

So lately i been laying down in bed and when i get up i get this pressure feelin...
Johnnie1234 profile image

Oooo headache

Here we go with the headaches again
Msgriffin23 profile image

Fear of going crazy

At the very beginning of my anxiety struggle years ago, I found one of the most ...
Hidden profile image

Stuck in a rut

So I'm getting over bronchitis and the z pak they gave me was awful. Caused awfu...

Natural tranquilisers: Lemon Balm and Green Tea.

Despite Freud and Jung psychiatry remains an infant science. Whilst organic medi...
Jeff1943 profile image

Feeling out of place

For the past 3 days my anxiety has been over the roof i have been feeling weak a...
Fredy91 profile image

Yellow eyes

What does it mean if you have a tiny ov yellow in your eyes
Caz1977 profile image

I want to quit my job!

The anxiety, stress, and pressure from my job has become too much for me. I feel...
Seraphic profile image