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Anxiety Support

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All posts for May 2013

Whats wrong with me??

I took a bad reaction to a Vitamin B3 Niacin tablet nearly a year ago now..the f...
crombie88 profile image

Morning anxiety - lasting all day :( Please help!

Hi again Haven't posted for ages because I was beginning to feel better. THEN I...
hedgecrone profile image

Emetophobia: How do I help my teenage daughter, and can anyone help me?

Hi, I have just joined here in my desperate search for help for my daughter & I....
thomson1898 profile image
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Terrified of mondays! Help!

Ok, so I have a confession to make...I HATE my job. I'm a special needs assista...
fearfulTA profile image

High now very low .....

Going through a bad stage of health aniexty at the minute but this morning I got...
MissyK profile image

silly question about anxeity and freedom

Basically if someone told you tomorrow you where anxeity free what would the fir...
Hidden profile image

Hmm... Another vitamins question from me. Cut down on my vitamin B complex tablet, been sneezing all day?

I cut down on my vitamin B complex tablet, cut in half. Now I didn't have the be...

And so it returns I've had to go to bed feeling I've taken big steps back

I've been doing well up until today the anxiety has come back quite strong did s...
Bigguy profile image

You know, I really should have asked this question sooner..!

It looks like there might be light at the end of this tunnel. I've made a number...
Daxter profile image

Please help burst pipe ?

I know it's off topic but I have a burst pipe under concrete floor in basement. ...
Cookster99 profile image

Ups and downs

This morning I felt like poo - I just didn't want to get out of bed and lay in b...
nena profile image

Had enough now

Omg was having a few good days and this afternoon went all dizzy great I hate th...
Treacle11 profile image

Here we go again !!!!!!

Went to see the Doctor to explain i could not cope going to work as i tried for ...
seyi profile image

Heart Attack

I am so sorry everybody if I am off topic here. ...
Hidden profile image

So angry:-(

Sorry guys i just need a rant. No-one can make it any better but i need to get i...
Hidden profile image

Welcome back health anxiety - I did a silly thing!

I hadn't really noticed but my health anxiety has been slowly creeping back up o...
Bramwell profile image

Had an awful day yesterday had to speak to a customers partner on the phone and he was very abusive now I'm having anxiety today

I been getting better for weeks with just dizziness and stress but yesterday as ...
Bigguy profile image

How can I help him?

My boyfriend seems to suffer from anxiety and I really don't know what to do to ...
Hidden profile image

Does other people help in the cause of aniexty???

I have health aniexty but I am a natural worrier and will admit I also do have O...
MissyK profile image

Has anyone forgetten what its like to have a normal mind??

because of anxiety and depression......Im still finding the feeling of thinking ...
kathm profile image

Here We Go Again

Oh dear. I went to sleep at 11,30pm and now it is 1.40am....
Hidden profile image

First Post

I feel like I've always been unhappy. Had a difficult childhood, but so do many ...
Rennie profile image

Pulled muscle

Ok so ive had a bad neck since wednesday or thursday. I had put down to sleeping...
donaf profile image

Saying a hi again!

I used to be active on this site and back again but though I ma...
sammy77 profile image


I am new to the forum, suffered from terrible panic attacks and anxiety for year...
sanmure profile image

feeling very down.

just home a week now,after an anxiety free holiday,we had such a brill time,sinc...
miarose profile image

I suffer from depression and anxiety

I've known I've had depression for some time now, but have tried to avoid having...
nena profile image


Yesterday I did get a bit tired and that seems to be when I start having sort of...
Hidden profile image

Do you grind your teeth?

Im in agony from grinding my teeth and migraines. I have had gum sheilds in the...
knowles8586 profile image

Hope I'm not alone

I've just joined this forum and read some of the questions and blogs and can rea...
Klp89 profile image