Oh dear.
I went to sleep at 11,30pm and now it is 1.40am.
I've woken up with chest pains,cold sweat pouriing down my face and I feel sick.Am writing this to try and take my mind off it but I feel terrible.
Oh dear.
I went to sleep at 11,30pm and now it is 1.40am.
I've woken up with chest pains,cold sweat pouriing down my face and I feel sick.Am writing this to try and take my mind off it but I feel terrible.
Hello Dux
I really feel for you but I just don't know what to say.I too am wide awake.I feel like there is an elephant sitting on my chest and just cannot sleep at all.Every thing seems worse at 2am.Just let's pray that it is just anxiety again and that come break of day we will both be ok.
good luck
Hello Grog
I do hope you are ok.Are you still awake and on your own.
I have made it through until 3am although I keep wretching but all that comes up is phlegm.I took a walk down the garden earlier and have two cold air fans on in my bedroom.If this is anxiety then it's driving me mad.Anyway just by being there you have helped.
Best wishes,
Yes Dux I am still here.
Glad to hear that you are hanging on.I rarely get to sleep before 6am so please message me if you need to talk.That elephant is still on my chest but I am just laying on my back taking deep breaths and gently humming to myself,I find it helps a bit.
Fortunately I am not on my own.My dear wife of 47 years is here beside me fast asleep.I try not to wake her because she works so hard during the day.
I know that there are people out there facing all kinds of problems on their own and my heart goes out to them.
Well it's 3.20am and should be light in a couple of hours.Perhaps we will start to feel better then.
Don't forget that I am here if you need me
Chin up
Hiya both,
Living in twilight, have you heard that song by the weepies, I can so relate to it, it's how I live my life now xxx god bless and I hope, eventually, we have a good nights sleep xxx love xxx
Hiya Cookster.
Thanks for your comfort.So that is 3 of us trying to make it through the night and I expect that there are others too.
I have heard of the weepies but not that particular track.You and Grog have started to ease my panic a bit so perhaps I will look the song up on you tube.
You both are a real help to me and perhaps we can all help each other ease this horrible anxiety and panic.
Big thanks and hugs to you xxx
Hello Cookster
So you too!
It's so nice of you to enter in you are more than welcome but I am sad that you too are awake at this unearthly hour.
I am probably too old to have heard of the weepies but perhaps Dux has she is much younger than me.
Anyway thank you so much for keeping us company your kind words are a great comfort and God bless you too my friend
I'm so sorry to hear your bad times hope you find your way soon
I'm glad taking your mind off it is working and your feeling less anxious. 1 tiny pain can trigger my anxiety and now even my dreams
I felt anxious in a dream this morning and still felt anxious when I woke, I'm finding I'm waking earlier and earlier everyday
6,20 this morning. I try to distract myself but when I do I still can't budge that anxiety is still there.
Hope you all managed to nod off to sleep bless
Jo xxx
Feel for you all I still have many nights like this,used to have them everynight.I used to say if I can take my brain out just for one night.I used to use a chill pad on my pillow stop the overheating and then downloaded a sleep hypnosis app and listen t0 that didnt always work but concentrating on the voice stopped my mind racing and I did fall asleep.Dont use the app now hang on inthere xx
Hello Sharben.
Sorry for not replying sooner It is amazing what people can help you with on this site.
I had never heard of sleep hypnosis apps before.
I went to youtube and downloaded a 57 minute video from there.I was going to use it tonight but at 4pm I thought I would give it a test drive.The next thing I knew was that it was 9pm.So thanks to you I've had 5 hours good sleep at last.
Very grateful for your help
Ah thats brilliant to hear ,it just makes you concentrate on something other than anxiety.I fell asleep many times with my earphones still in.I also used an app called stop panic and anxiety self help by excel life its free but really calms you down when anxious or panic attack xxxx
The one I got is by Liberation In Mind.It comes with gentle background music,a soft voice just telling you to relax and coloured bubbles bouncing all over the screen.
Thanks so much