Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for December 2023

Ch Ch changes.

Change your mind change your reality.
gerrerd profile image


Let the fear go and feel the power.

Catastrophizing Issues

On Wednesday my doctor changed my medication again to step down to 50 mg of sert...
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What is Tardive Dyskinesia (TD)? — New ADAA video

Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) is a neurological condition often associated with long-t...

Life changes

So, I don’t know if other people feel this way or have experiences like this. I’...

The clouds won't go away That feeling when a r...

New to sertraline 50mg

I am on day 4 of taking sertraline 50mg and feel terrible. I have been suffering...
PBex55 profile image

IBS due to anxiety and overthinking.

How many of you have ibs (c and d) (or individual)? I am gonna take amytriptylin...

What’s something you loved as a kid that you still love now?

I think remembering the joys of childhood can really help ease an anxious heart,...
97Bunny11 profile image

Probably the most productive I've been in a while.

I'm starting up an online shop (or rather, restarting one. I started one up earl...
97Bunny11 profile image


I have had a nagging feeling about myself for over 35 years. I have always felt ...
Angelrmh profile image

death hurts

when my best friend died, all the kept emotion i had was burst out. And i can't ...
Deathhurts profile image

Heart hurts tonight 😔

I'm missing my 2 kitties so much tonight 😭. I thought i was ok, but I'm not. I ...

All of this

- I suffer from anxiety and depression and it's not a good place to be💔😢. Some...
mizzou7016 profile image

being sick

I have been sick for the last 2 months and I am getting so tired of being sick. ...
kanzler1987 profile image

has anyone felt energy from gabapentin

I’ve been struggling with my depression again this season and my dr prescribed g...
Spoonish6 profile image

Time Flying By

Question, but does it feel when you have bad anxiety the day goes by fast or it ...

Hope I dont get in trouble for this one!!

Thought it was funny.
gerrerd profile image

3-2-1 for the week

Happy 3-2-1 Thursday! Here are 3 ideas, 2 quotes, and 1 question to consider...
mizzou7016 profile image

Unable to get out of bed

I am so depressed inam.unzble to get out of bed and my whole life is falling apa...
Hidden profile image

Anxiety symptoms

hi all Hope you’re all ok!! Just curious as to what symptoms everyone gets/use...
Jharris1988 profile image

sertraline first two weeks

this is my first post on here. I started sertraline 50mg a week ago today. Side...
Jharris1988 profile image

Update on Daily Activities and Anxiety

I received a lot of support from you all when I posted about struggling with my ...

Getting through, today

It's morning. My goal is to get through today, 1 moment at a time, and to start ...


Have you ever been hurting and you put on a happy face for family and friends ju...
Fighter86 profile image

ADAA Personal Story: The Ebbs and Flows of My Mental Health Disorders

"The mental illnesses I have experienced in my life run the gamut from anxiety, ...


Has anyone been on this medication, what has been your experience on this medica...
Redgreenblue profile image

Toxic friendship

Hi everyone! I am new, never done something like this before but I heard good th...

A like.

We are.


All the people.
gerrerd profile image