So, I don’t know if other people feel this way or have experiences like this. I’m feeling lonely constantly. I got my masters degree and I’m not even feeling passionate about my work anymore. I’m so stressed out about it and I feel like a failure everyday. I’ve been thinking of working at another job, half the pay but still related to my field. I feel so lonely in this experience and feel like a failure for not being passionate about what I spent so much money on and still in debt over. Is this normal? Am I making a huge mistake? I just want to be happy with what I do and not so stressed..
Life changes: So, I don’t know if other... - Anxiety and Depre...
Life changes

EndangeredRainbo, I really relate to your conundrum. I am currently applying to a MS program and have struggled so hard trying to figure out what is my mental health and what is my true feelings about the path I'm taking. One thing that has really helped me is finding a mentor in your field (as close as possible without endangering your position in any way). Having someone look at you and your skills who also can talk about passions they have in the field helps. I wasn't sure I wanted to say in healthcare after deciding not to even apply to medical school. Talking with someone who works in Nutrition Science really helped me clarify my priorities. One thing that is tricky is that passion is something that in both work and marriage (I've experienced both) comes and goes.
The good news is that you don't have to decide anything now. Take your time and make sure you are making the right decision for you. I feel like anxiety makes it hard to just sit and think slowly through things, and depression tells you that you are stuck where you are. Just try to keep in mind that these guys are liars. I know that no matter what you are not a failure and will do amazing things. Remember that your effort is never a waste even if you learn later on it was misdirected and need to course-correct.
Thank you so much. That was really reassuring and definitely made me felt less alone in this experience. I always felt like I’m the only one and just your words of encouragement and perspective has helped. Thank you again
Hi EndangeredRainbo...As we get older, the one thing that we will realize is that
we can't buy Peace of Mind with a degree or with money. The Passion must come
from within us. Not that well educated people do not go far but under what penalty?
If we are stressed in what we do daily, the joy of life goes out of our hearts.
Is the job you have your desire or for those around you? Only you can make the
decision in going forward. Choose wisely though. Weigh the pros and cons of your
physical and mental health since those cannot be bought with any amount of money.
I respect you and give you credit in coming on to this community of virtual friends.
I've been where you are but fortunately listened to my heart and not my family's
wants and desires for me. Life is Amazing my friend. Do what you need to and
be happy. Wishing you well with your decision xx
Hiya Rainbo. I agree with those that have already responded. I think that often in therapy they do exercises to determine your core values then you evaluate your life to see where you may not be living according to these values. Perhaps there are other areas of your life such as having fun that you would work to support financially or something. I wish you peace, hope, and closeness.☮️