Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for March 2020


My anxiety is on 1000 right now. I want to get up and run, but at the same time ...

How to start loving myself?

Hi I am n 18 year old female and I am new on the site.I feel very low , I feel a...
WhitePumkin profile image

Why do I get anxious, when I’m not even worried or scared?

Lately I have been feeling really happy, and all of a sudden I go into a panic m...
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I have been prescribed 12.5 mg of seroquel for ptsd, anxiety and depression. I ...
Hidden profile image

Being home.... no panic attacks

Does anybody else feel this way? I’ve been home for 2 weeks. Panic free. Still o...
Spooky99 profile image

Corona anxiety

Anybody else making themselves really ill with panic and anxiety attacks over th...
Nasturtion profile image

Feeling terrified

My wife and I were in the backyard and when I came in she was with my 16 year ol...
dom410 profile image

The storm

You can’t calm the storm so don’t try. What you can do is calm yourself. The sto...
Starrlight profile image


Has anyone had a hernia before? I have this slight pain on the left of my lower ...
dogmom88 profile image

Video Support Group During Covid-19 To Deal With Anxiety & Fear

Hey guys I think the ones of us who are suffering day to day with anxiety due to...

living and learning and unlearning

After years of being taught that the way to deal with painful emotions is to get...
4woody profile image


What is the best time to take this morning afternoon or night ???


Hey I’m new here, and I’m looking for some support. I’m trying to find the best...

Is there any hope?

I’ve recently hit rock bottom. I lost my fiancé, almost lost my family, I’ve los...


Hello I am currently on 50mg of sertraline and the docs want to put me upto 100...
Becks2020 profile image

On the bright side...

At least my agoraphobia and social anxiety has come to some good use. I have be...
RcKitty profile image

How do I cope with my paranoia?

All my life I’ve had anxiety and panic attacks. This past year I noticed it’s m...
Caseopia profile image

3:50 am Another Sleepless night

I know everyone is tired of hearing about Covid-19 and I know me thinking I’m s...
HelpMePlz86 profile image

Sertraline 25mg

If you’ve had this Antidepressant and this dose do you think it’s enough? I feel...
Hidden profile image

I need some advice. Please help me

I know this might sound very kiddish because i am going to say that my parents d...
Mishell11 profile image

Tell me something that makes you happy!

Can you guys share with me about your day? Or what makes you smile? I’d love to ...
ceelovestea profile image


My regular doctor retired so I had to find a new psychiatrist. I ran out of my a...


I suffer from anxiety, and today has been one of those days where it’s taking ow...
velly10 profile image


Hello All! I hope you all are doing well during the Coronavirus quarantine and g...
TheWhiteRose profile image


Having to live in a new state with no friends, no one to talk to and a husband w...
Hidden profile image

Sertraline and effect on memory?

I have been a sufferer of anxiety for a decade now. Yesterday I decided with my ...
snow93bb profile image

Just keep washing your hands and don't dance with strangers.

The corona pandemic is ten times worse for those with anxiety disorder. Because ...
Jeff1943 profile image

Wait to see tomorrow

No matter how much you suffer with depression, feel stuck and afraid, wait to se...
Starrlight profile image

My reward.. after busy day distracting myself... ☕️☀️

Everyone but 1 is home... busy noisy house... not what I nor dogs are used to bu...
CanuckAnon profile image

More Virus Anxiety

Hi folks. I have some serious anxiety about this virus. A couple weeks ago I g...
Anxious_City profile image