All my life I’ve had anxiety and panic attacks. This past year I noticed it’s more than that and was also diagnosed. I have extreme paranoia and it’s at its max right now. Especially with what’s going on in the world right now. My fears are out of control and I’m scared. I’ve been keeping busy with crafts but it’s like an obsession now. I won’t stop doing art because if I do then my brain starts haunting me again. It’s becoming a problem because I can’t sleep. I’m too scared to sleep. I understand this virus is causing increased anxiety which is normal, but the severity of mine is becoming self damaging (ie: lack of sleep, not eating, binge shopping). I’m not scared I’m going to get sick. I’m afraid everyone I know will and the world will end. I know that’s irrational but my paranoia is stronger than my common sense and reality. I don’t know really how to explain it. It’s so bad that the other day I spent all my money on online shopping because I figured i won’t need it anyway if I’m going to die. What am I doing?!?! It’s out of control. I promise myself today I will eat, drink water, go for a walk on the beach alone, and take care of me. And I will call my friends and family to tell them how much they are loved. I have no one in my life that understands paranoia. Is anyone here able to relate? Any suggestions? I’m exhausted of living in fear daily.
How do I cope with my paranoia? - Anxiety and Depre...
How do I cope with my paranoia?

I don't know if I have any good helping tips but I want to tell you you're not alone. I'm scared to. I have anxiety too. My best advice would be maybe asked yourself some questions before making impactful decisions like online shopping. Maybe ask yourself "do I need these things, or am I just afraid?" Maybe write the question in a journal and fallow up with a "it's okay to be afraid." Sometimes that helps me when I'm anxious. Maybe you might like to try that? I wish you well and please know your not alone. It's hard not to feel alone right now but there are lots of people just like you and me just doing the best they can to get through this. We can get through this. People like us get through remarkable things every day.
I love your suggestions. Thank you. It is ok to be afraid. I need to remind myself of that. I will try that. Thank you again. It is ok. It is ok. I haven’t journaled in a long time. I am going to do that now. Luckily the items I purchased are items I do need but I didn’t have the means to spend that money. It was all fear based. I didn’t realize that at the time. I did just go for a walk alone on the beach. It is a desolate beach so no one is around which makes me feel safer. It’s like I’m giving up on life out of fear but in reality only creating my own worse storm. It’s not intentional tho. Fear is so powerful but we can’t let it defeat us. Right?
That's right. We have to fight back. It's the only way to get through. I'm glad I could be of help in any way. I wish you well with all my heart.
Sorry to hear your struggling with this paranoia of what's going on at the minute. I too am absolutely terrified . I have heAlth anxiety but I really think it gets to the point where I am paranoid. I am having constant anxiety at the minute,massive panic attacks as soon as I wake up . I have asthma too and I'm always breathless on a morning until I have my inhalers,but the panic I am having makes my chest so tight. I cant get a deep breath in for about 10 days now although I'm not actually breathless . I know its anxiety as it comes and goes. I feel as if theres someone standing on my chest constantly. I hate it and its debilitating. As if our mental health problems aren't bad enough without all this. I'm normally so busy with my grandchildren that I work through my anxiety each day but I carnt have them at the minute for 12 weeks with having health problems that I have to be in isolation. They are my whole life and I'm so heartbroken that I cant hug them and hold them. Then coupled with the worry of,daughter,2 son in laws and spouse all work in the NHS. I am just so low at the minute.
I know the feeling of being breathless. I too have asthma and anxiety on top of that makes it feel so much worse. I’m sorry to hear you are separated from your family right now. These are very hard times. I hope things get better. I struggle with not being able to see any of my friends. They are in other counties or states and not allowed in my area. The isolation is depressing but I’m trying to make sure to keep busy and talk with them on the phone.