Posts - Restless Legs Syndrome | HealthUnlocked

Restless Legs Syndrome

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All posts for April 2022

Horizant cost

How much are you guys paying for horizant? I take 1500mg per day for 5 years. I’...

Does anyone have speech problems after taking horizant?

I’ve been taking Horizant since 2017. I had tried straight gabby and lyrica befo...


Hi there Has anyone augmentation withdrawal from Ropinirole had severe headache ...
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Meds that don’t cause weight gain

What meds for RLS don’t cause weight gain?
Cyclechick69 profile image

Dry mouth

Can anyone advise re Temgesic probable side effect? I wake in the night with a ...
Biscuitface profile image


I did a search and couldn't find a post on this product Voxx. Has anyone heard ...
shellbell987 profile image


Does Melatonin help RLS or cause augmentation? Thanks
Camry2020 profile image

gabapentin and old fool

Hi good people need some advice on taking GABAPENTN ,4 days ago I was prescribed...

Ad hoc Pregabalin

I’ve been taking Pregabalin since October last year, and generally it’s working ...
Walrob66 profile image


I’ve always been a bit dubious about making a link between my RLS and diet, as I...
MumofSam profile image


Hi Sue ,switching from pramipexole to Gabapentin ,stopped 088 mg last night to 3...
auldreekie18 profile image

Opioid use for rls

I wonder if anyone has experience or knowledge about the use of a variety of opi...

Did Antidepressants (taking or stopping) cause your RLS

My RLS/PLMD began 2 days after a doctor-ordered rapid tapering of Sertraline (Zo...
ircam2112 profile image

RLS After Broken Femur

My sister recently broke her femur and had an op to affix steel and screws. She ...
Joolsg profile image

Why reduce Ferritin to get iron infusion and how?

Hello friends For those that do not know my new neuro is trying me on several me...
smilingjane profile image

From Gabapentin to Buprenorphine.

I have PLMD. I'm currently on 1800 mg of Gabapentin, but it's breaking down and ...
dickJones profile image

Pregabalin withdrawal

Hi. About two months ago my doc put me on Pregabalin to help as I came of Ropine...

Nerve operation by a doctor in U.S. See video on YouTube. Apparently it's working. Any testimony?

Has anyone has done this operation? See here in U...
Zurp111 profile image


Does anyone know Dr. Buchfuhrer’s e.mail address please and have I spelled his...
bedith6 profile image

Medical Marijuana and RLS, but mostly PLMD

Has anyone had any success with Legal THC in treatment mostly PLMD. Periodic Lim...
Wanman4 profile image

Operation for RLS?

Has anyone had the operation for the legs to stop RLS? I’ve been recently hearin...
RCHD profile image

Azithromycin aggravating symptoms of Retless Legs

Has anyne had an uptick in symptoms after taking Azithromycin? I took 500mg for ...
hdsocfam profile image


can bad veins in your leg cause rls
help3 profile image

RLS meds

I’m at my wits end!!! Up all night with RLS ringing the docs in the morning, wha...
jaime77 profile image

Hot Flushes & RLS

Hot flushes and RLS I have been having terrible trouble with hot flushes and swe...

Sleepyhead program and RSL

Hello I am considering going on the new online Sleepyhead program for insomnia; ...
michou profile image

Covid And RLS

Someone posted recently about whether Covid made RLS worse and I replied that in...
Joolsg profile image

Getting off Ropinerol

Trying to get off ropinerol but Drs know nothing. Read the Mayo study and found ...
boone1805 profile image

Pain Clinic for RLS

Hi, How many of you go to a pain management clinic for your RLS treatment ? The...
Heatherlss profile image

How to cut Neupro 1mg patch for gradual tapering?

I'm speaking with my neurologist in a couple weeks and aim to convince him it's ...
Discopage profile image