Posts - Restless Legs Syndrome | HealthUnlocked

Restless Legs Syndrome

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All posts for April 2022

Sciatic nerve

Hi I recipient's badly hurt my back and herniated a disc. What's people's ad...
shazzafloyd profile image

Horizant not really useful

Day 12 of Horizant 600 mg. Taken at 5 pm with fatty meal. First 2 nights, I slep...
CranberryMix profile image

Mirapex detox by microdosing?

Hello, I've been on .875 for 6 years for RLS and need to detox off of it this y...
bardo71 profile image
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Rigigotine patch

About to start the patch any info from people using it ,how to use it and keep i...
auldreekie18 profile image

Help with RLS meds

Hi all! Suffered with RLS for 20yrs + currently going through augmentation with ...
jaime77 profile image

Online Pharmacies

Has anyone in the US had any luck in having a low-dose methadone prescription f...
TheDoDahMan profile image

The feet. Why the feet!

Hi all, newbie here. Diagnosed last year with RLS. Cramps are the biggest proble...
DollyParten profile image

Iron panel

Hi everyone, I would like to thank you all for the advice on getting my Iron te...
Stan7 profile image

Advice. Morphine sulphate (MST) 5mg prolonged release. Or stay on tramadol.

Hi all. Haven't posted for a while. I’ll update you on my RLS journey and ask fo...
Freegaza786 profile image

Help sleeping with RLS

I take one baby aspirin as needed to settle down RLS. It slowly… within 30 minu...
Koritzi profile image

Interesting RLS documentary on the BBC

Night complex

Hi In an effort to improve my severe insomnia and rls I bought from Holland and ...
Hoochybaby profile image


My mild RLS is triggered by eating peanuts. So, eat peanuts during the day, get ...
USnopeanuts profile image

Clenching Syndrome? (like teeth clenching, but with leg muscles instead of jaw muscles)

While I'm asleep, my leg muscles continuously clench all night long. So when I w...
ookla profile image

When to take iron

It seems, from what I have read, that iron has to be taken without food. But al...
KickininAz profile image


I have been wondering if I could change back to Pregabalin. To start with, I to...
Maximus01 profile image


Just been prescribed Gabapentine as Ropinerole has started to augmentate. I take...
dahon profile image

Keto and RLS

Something to consider. I study a lot about genetics. It seems Keto diets help wi...
RCHD profile image


I’m wondering if anybody knows if it is ok to use CBD oral oil whilst taking 2...
Mulberry100 profile image

New survey on "Assessing the diagnosis and care pathways of people withneurological disorders in Europe"

This survey was developed by the European Federation of Neurological Association...
wed22 profile image

Does Temgesic work for everyone?

I have been taking half a tablet of Temgesic for a month now but as I didn’t fi...
bedith6 profile image

Info on kratom.

Those of you using kratom please check out this YouTube channel started by an RL...
RCHD profile image

This is Promising!

Many implications site a gut related event as a possible cause of RLS; and since...
DicCarlson profile image

Spinal stimulator

My interventional pain specialist has suggested a Nevro hf10 spinal stimulator ...
Farmboy1 profile image

Opioid withdrawal/ management advice

Hi. I have been taking opiods for many years. First codeine, which stopped work...
Jumpey profile image

Sertraline and RLS

Hi everybody, My Dr.has prescribed Sertraline for depression. However, I have re...
Bruxelles profile image


Does anyone know if Ozempic (injectable for diabetes) will aggravate RLS or not?...
LanaCSR profile image

CDC reconsidering guidelines for opiate use. This affects RLS sufferers. is asking us to send comments to the Center for Disease Control about ou...
WendyBea profile image


Has anyone been prescribed these and, if so please tell me if they proved succes...
Ceed profile image

Stimulant Medications for Excessive Daytime Lethargy

I’m considering taking a stimulant due to Extreme Daytime Sleepiness (EDS), whic...
ircam2112 profile image