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All posts for March 2014

Back to see consultant on weds please please please let it be good news and he will consider me for my knee replacement as can't stand this

Pain any longer can't even sleep for it now
Deejojo profile image

Really struggling

Hi everyone. the side effects I am having from steroids are just awful. I'm in a...
maywing profile image

Third day of steroids and after a slight improvement I feel much worse this morning

Could this be a steroid flare? I've been put in 10mg prednisolene twice daily un...
cathie profile image
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Has anybody else found that their nails have started to split lengthways?

I Was diagnosed with ra just under three years ago and I am currently taking met...
fridayfever profile image

HaH .. message to say I was 47th in the queue holding!!!!!

Yes, I didn;'t wait ... this was Friday afternoon and I would think each call be...
Neonkitty59 profile image

MTX & chickenpox!!

My granddaughter has been staying with us for the weekend & has come out with ch...
Hidden profile image

Three little words

Hope they don't mind but saw this on the Internet and thought it would be good h...
allanah profile image

RA and CFS

I will be logging onto this site after the meeting next week re links between RA...
dmc12 profile image

Interested in your opinions on this. Autoimmune illness.

In retrospect,I started on the downward spiral way back in 1979. That January I ...
beaton profile image

Any ideas why my big toenails have gone yellow?

I've noticed for the last couple of weeks my big toe nails have turned yellow th...
Beverlady profile image

Not great!

Thought after my steroid infusion I would feel much better, my typical luck thou...
Crazyjo profile image

Does anyone know if hydroxychlooquine is film coated the same as plaquenil

I usually get plaquenil when I put my prescription into my local pharmacy but ye...
mille profile image


Husband has just been told he has Tenosynovitis, with 'hypermobility' in his wr...
Coastwalker profile image

RA and pregnancy

RA and pregnancy is truly scary for me.Am 34 and planning for my first pregnancy...
lubash profile image


Hi everyone I hope you are all coping well...Iv no moans really apart from my bu...

does anyone know of a RA meeting in fife?

seems that it is the way forward.
digger1 profile image

NRAS Group Meetings w/c Monday 24th March

Dear All Please find details below of the NRAS group meetings taking place next...

Any opinion on the effectiveness of remicade vs. enbrel or humira?

My doctor wants me to consider adding a biological to my treatment. I want to he...
shareasmile profile image

Why oh why won't my legs behave themselves and walk, can anyone enlighten me ?

Where has all the strength gone ? I just do small food shops, a big supermarket...
petalnumber2 profile image

Boarding time machine

Tomorrow I am going back to the 70s at Butlins Skegness. Hope we don't get blown...
Sharon56 profile image

Rhuemy visit today

Just been to rhuemy on emergency app due to bad flare up, at hospital tomorrow m...
Crazyjo profile image

Rotten cold

Afternoon guys, just a quickie. Sorry if I sound dumb! Can you take lempsip with...
Hidden profile image

My New Friend,Mattcass

Hi All, Here is a photo of my new dog Indy she has just retired from the police ...
mattcass profile image

Barely able to walk

I have alot of sciatica pain from lumber disc bulges and pain in my knees. My ri...

Having a whinge, feel free to whinge back its good for the soul "insert smiley face here"

I don't see many people as I live alone in a strange town living the life of a ...
JustSandra profile image

Cimzia people advice please

Hello hope you are all doing ok - I've just found out I've got a water infection...
claireyj profile image

Restless legs syndrome

Anyone having trouble with this condition.Even though its not painful as such th...
lubash profile image

URGENT REQUEST - People with RA needed for an NRAS focus group on chronic fatigue - Friday, 28th March

We are heading towards our second RA Awareness Week in June and getting various ...
Hidden profile image

Anyone heard from LEONVRA ????

Hi all anyone know how Leonvra is haven't seen him on here miss his wise words a...
Bazzypants profile image

What a pain................

I had to go to the drs this morning as my hands are very very sore. It is strapp...
sylvi profile image