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Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for November 2013

Word association for today: All things to do with Christmas in threes startings

with Angels adoration Abominable (snowman) hehehe Who is next..............
Ginsing profile image

Mornin one and all, today is as you all know Thursday 21st November 2013 which means

34 days till Christmas. Time to start your christmas cards and think about dec...
Ginsing profile image

hello, can any one help, yes its about esa benefit, is there any law about the medication we take and side affects of them and should they

be taken into account when been assessed for esa. my mp has drafted aletter to d...
bodger profile image
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Does anyone know of a good consultant in Norfolk? I thought about going to London, but then thought I would pick your brains, as you are a

bright bunch of people and very helpful, So, any clues to where I might find a r...
lyndia profile image

Results of the King' s college study?

Almost 12 months ago I (and I believe other members of this community) donated b...
phlebo123 profile image

Feel like I've been run over by a lorry :((( x

All I've done is sit on my bench over the bath to help Me shower,I washed my hai...
nikk1975 profile image

Sorry another question

Is it possible to have fibro just in your legs and feet
Hidden profile image

I have been prescribe zapain does it make you sleepy

Jessica12 profile image

Health anxiety and pain

I have health anxiety but at the moment am suffering with a lot of pain. Have h...
Hidden profile image


Further to my post about my ATOS assessment, Today i received a letter from DWP....
lindamorgan profile image

Felted flowers

Hi there, just been trying to take my mind off things and have been making these...

Guy`s Hospital consultants

I was about to contact Professor John Davies at Guy`s Hospital when he suddenly ...
lyndia profile image

Just a bit of light hearted fun

On the questions section Mdaisy started lovely thread about three words to descr...

Looking for a GP

Hi, anyone out there from N.Ireland? Does anyone know of a GP who is sympathetic...
sings4him profile image

Pic of the day

:-) Sorry it's late, iPad being naughty !
Fibrofoggiest profile image

Increased muscle tone in legs?

The doctor told me yesterday that I have increased tone in my leg muscles. He sa...
phlebo123 profile image

Eyes won't focus. Is that fibro or a side effect of amitriptaline? Or am I actually needing to see an optician?

Happens at night usually when I'm tired. Like now. Lucky I can touch type!!! Can...
Hidden profile image

Muscle problems

Wondered if any one had the same symptoms as me. As well as chronic pain in my ...
Hidden profile image

Hi all [ Interesting information ]

Thought I would share with you ,something I thought was Very interesting. Becaus...
lyndia profile image


I think I may not get alone but after work everyday when I sit and switch tv I f...
littlejan profile image

Iron Deficiancy Anaemia. Something Else to add to my list.

Hi all, had yet another blood test a couple or so weeks ago, as GP said my iron ...
Tannels profile image

Tired, tired, tired!!

What is wrong with me?? I'm just so constantly tired!! Is this a flare up or w...
sue32 profile image

Is it worth applying for PIP

I have sent off my 3rd ESA50 6 weeks ago, waiting to hear about that. My questio...
Mazz64 profile image

pain Clinic and Fibrofog...Preparation tips :) please

Morning all and hope you are keeping snuggly warm in this horrid cold weather. ...
Pharmgirl profile image

Pic of the day

Fibrofoggiest profile image

I think we have reached N in what three words describe you

Certainly this morning i am feelig "Naughty Nuanced and Nobly so who is tak...
Ginsing profile image

Can't sleep arrgghhhhh

So fed up another night where I've got no sleep. The covers are hurting my legs ...
nikk1975 profile image

Prickling feeling on skin

Does anyone get a prickling feeling on their skin and scalp like someone is poki...
crop profile image

Just been diagnosed

I have got,amongst a raft of things, Ehlers Danlos syndrome, anyone else have it...

Hi does anyone take zapain for fybro pain I have started this tonight was wondering if anyone has any good news

I have been on tramadol and morphine but nothing works
marcine profile image