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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for October 2021

Effect of IVF hormonal treatment (oestrogen and progesterone) on endo and fibroids

I'm new to this group - I have endo (diagnosed 10 months ago), and went through ...

On the waiting list for the big H operation but having doubts!!!

Hi everyone, I'm 41 I was diagnosed with minimal endos 2 could 3 years ago now ...
Hidden profile image

Burning sensation

Hi ladies, During my period, when i urinate I get a terrible burning sensation...
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Emotions all over the place

Hiya I can imagine the majority of people on here can sympathise when I say I fe...
Funkonerd profile image

Open Myomectomy

I'm meeting with my surgeon today to discuss my upcoming operation (not keyhole)...

Has anyone else had different lengths of cycle post laparoscopy?

I had a laparoscopy 8 weeks ago. Grade 4 endo diagnosed and excised. I recovered...

Extreme reaction to mirena coil fitting

Has anyone else had a really bad reaction from having a coil fitted? My mirena c...
Ioanaap profile image


Can you take movicol and fybogel on different days? Movicol has given me stomac...
Hollings profile image

Post laproscopy - pain and confusion about what next…

Hi everyone, I had my lap a week ago now and they found and removed endometriosi...

Help - feeling so rubbish/low

Doctor is looking into endometriosis- waiting for ultrasound appointment but it ...

Hysterectomy, anemyosis, surgery next month, help and reassurance needed please

Im 39 and diagnosed stage 4 endometriosis plus anemyosis with endo largely sprea...
Anonymous83 profile image

Constant pain

Hi everyone I’m just waiting for my larproscopy to remove endo scar tissue but I...
SK2021 profile image

Does anyone get swollen ankles and feet and painful joints with endo

I have had swollen feet and ankles plus painful joints.
Adhamilton profile image

Physio for endo

Anyone had any success with pelvic physio? Unsure whether to try this privately
Indi87 profile image

Tranexamic acid

My gp has prescribed this as a way to lighten my periods until the coilis fitted...
Rizzoli1221 profile image

I had lap surgery 2 weeks ago to remove an ovarian cyst and endo tissue. Can anyone recommend hormonal acne treatments? I still get bad skin

Endometriosis ovarian cyst hormonal acne
Oliviakbg profile image

Vulvodynia flare up

Endometriosis has caused nerve damage in my body which has lead to the developme...
berry16 profile image

Don't believe this!

I saw a private gyne sendo speacilist back in June, he was fantastic and well ac...

Energy sucker 😔

Even though on pill for so long from last 15 days getting periods cloting . Back...
Sara110 profile image

Looking for Pelvic Floor PT in London

Hi! Just moved to London this month and I am looking for a good pelvic floor ph...
Endofriend24 profile image

Does anyone still have bad periods post Laparoscopy??

I have had surgery to remove Endometriosis its been 1 year this month, iv been f...

Worse times of the day

Does anyone find their pain worsens at certain times of the day? Unfortunately i...
mrsswinnydm profile image

Decapeptyl making things worse, any similar experiences

Hi ladies, Arrrgghh, just feel I had enough. Had my first injection 2 weeks ag...
Illy-lory profile image

2 weeks post lap, tummy still very swollen

Hi everyone. Just wanting check in with others for reassurance re post lap recov...

Oh no! New pain!

Hello everyone. A little bit about me. I was diagnosed with endometriosis 4 year...

Tibolone experiences?

Hi there - can I ask if anyone can share their experience of Tibolone HRT after ...
Endo94 profile image

Wild nutrition and diet

Hi all! Couple of Q's re Wild Nutrition. Has anyone else used their endo complex...

Ilioinguinal nerve block?

Hey guys, the pain specialists at my endo clinic have suggested trying ilioingui...
Lucy_o profile image

Changing location/doctor

Hello everyone I’ve been planning on moving out of London for over a year now (w...
Emmygem profile image

Endo flare and nerves

So had left ovary & tube removal plus endo surrounding theses organs removed in ...
Mysterywomen profile image