Posts - Endometriosis UK | HealthUnlocked

Endometriosis UK

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All posts for November 2019

Has anyone else had any problems on Yasmin?

I was told to try Yasmin to see if it would reduce my pain I’ve been on it now f...

Learning to deal with endometriosis

I am so glad I have found this page. I have recently been diagnosed with endomet...
Liberty37 profile image

Endo on my bowel and bladder

i’m 21 and I was diagnosed with endometriosis in January via Laparoscopy. I have...
MStar7 profile image
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Please help! - Im feeling lost.... Cerazette or not....

Hey! Just seen my consultant again as I have started to get bladder symptoms and...
Avo123 profile image

Hormones, which one is better?

Hello, I have been against hormones for ten years since I tried the ring and had...
Hidden profile image


Has anyone had one ovary removed to help their Endo? Did it help?
Cupcake1617 profile image

Coming off the pill with stage 4 endometriosis

Hey everyone, looking for a bit of advice. I’ve been taking a combination pill o...
BlueTit98 profile image

Mefenamic Acid ?

Hi, recently GP perscribed me mefenamic Acid 500g 3 times a day, i was trying th...
karooendo profile image

At the end of my tether and feeling so down.

Hey all, After experiencing hellish periods for years, I was finally diagnosed ...
Blue2205 profile image

Hi, New, just had lap on Thursday need advice

Hello team! I recently joined this forum after searching online. Long story sho...
melbofamdxb profile image

Stages of Endo?

Hi, its my first time posting as I only recently discovered the page, i'm so gla...
Binxy88 profile image

Stage 4 endo. Pain in thighs and nausea

The pain in my upper thighs on the outside is so bad I can’t even touch them th...
Metriosisgirl profile image

MRI booked tomorrow finally!

So I finally have my MRI booked tomorrow after years of trying to get someone to...
TeddyCat15 profile image

Flu vaccination side effects and pre-period flareup, help!

Anyone else had the flu vaccination? I've had mine, first ever; voucher from wo...
luthien profile image

Good stories about Hysterectomy

I have stage 4 frozen pelvis. I'm 43 and had my 3 children. After having several...
Ash987 profile image

Weird and long periods post lap

Hi, I had my laparoscopy surgery(excision) in June to remove multiple endometrio...

how will i feel after a laparoscopy?

i have a laparoscopy coming up and i am absolutely clueless as to what to expect...
celia1202 profile image

Hot knees when stressed

I was wondering if anyone else gets red hot knees when they are stressed? No pai...

Post anterior resection - bowel movements

Evening all, I had my anterior bowel resection surgery to remove my endo last Mo...
Violet89 profile image

After period pain

Hi I havent been diagnosed with endometriosis or adenomoyoasis yet but waiting t...

Hi I'm new here, wondering if anyone can validate my symptoms as they seem to differ from many. Have a diagnosis but feel like a cheat

Hi everyone, I am getting very confused about my diagnosis. I was diagnosed wit...

Really really bad period pain it's like I'm in labour every month

Hi just wondering if anyone els suffers as bad as I do.i have not yet been diagn...
Nattynatty profile image

Codeine dreams

Hello everyone, I'm currently taking 2 x 15mg of codeine before I go to bed for...
Bubble_by profile image

Prostap and over the counter vitamins

Hi I'm really hoping somebody can help me. I am week 2 into prostap and I feel a...
Peoni profile image

Low abdominal pain

Hi all, Another question! I have really bad constipation and have for a while, w...
Hidden profile image

still at school and struggling - glad I found this site

Recently I was put on a new medication, and instead of it helping me it has made...
_isobelle_ profile image

Symptoms again

I've been doing ok for a while since coming off the pill but recently things are...
kate24601 profile image

Lupron experiences?

I know every person is different, I'm just wondering if anyone else has experien...

Mirena or implant?

Hi all, I have been to the gynaecologist and they advised me to book an appointm...
Laurybelle profile image

First Laparoscopy

Im looking for some advice and must haves etc for after a Laparoscopy. I will be...
H0pe2 profile image