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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for November 2017

Anyone else had a salpingopherectomy??

Hi ladies. I just had my right ovary and tube removed on Monday also removed adh...

Asking For Lap Report

As I had to leave before I saw the consultant, I never knew what actually went o...
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Zoladex Injections

Hi, I actually have Hashimotos Thyroiditis Underactive) and was wondering if any...
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Endometriosis detected in laprascopy for infertility

Today i had my laprascopy as i have been married for 3 years with no baby. In la...
Sidrs753 profile image

Leg pain

Hey! Does anyone suffer with leg pain? I'm not 100% if this is endo related p...
Georgia6206 profile image

Mirena coil or pill

I hope this is not such a hard day for all of you with the cold possibly worseni...
Estuary profile image

How many times?

Hi everyone, just a quick question. How many of you have had a second laparoscop...
emcoll profile image

Pain relief

Hi I’m new to the group I have had endometriosis for about 5 years now and I’m s...
Porter88 profile image

Gynaecologist appointment today.. waste of time.

Considering she done the laparoscopy on me in December last year...she keep tell...
Emma5397 profile image

Post Op appointment - fused pelvis

Back to see the surgeon today for a post op consultation. During surgery they to...
molly69 profile image

Travelling with Medication

Hello Everybody, wondered if anyone could help me, I’m going on a much needed ho...
Vixlucy profile image


Now it's getting colder (U.K.) im noticing that its effect the pain more. guess ...
Emma5397 profile image

Newly diagnosed rectovaginal endometriosis

Hi, I got my MRI results back today, I had plain MRI with no budcopan or contras...
tilomilo profile image


Hi. I am new to the site. I have been looking for a long time for somewhere to t...
jessica46555 profile image

Emotions through the roof!

Hi everyone, I don't really know what to say other than - I don't know what on e...
emcoll profile image

Bowel symptoms

Hello I am wondering if anyone had any experiences with bowel symptoms associat...
Dee3e3e profile image

Endo Treatment

Hey! I am really new on here, so please bear with me haha! I have just been dia...
Georgia6206 profile image

Advice for my appointment tomorrow please😘

Quick background story: Started period at 10, when I was 11/12 my periods starte...
Emma5397 profile image

Im new on here and had my second lapo may 2017

Hi i am new to this site and was wondering if people had any advice on conceivin...

I'm new on here and newly diagnosed and very worried

Hi all I'm new to this site and have only just been diagnosed. I'm 30 years old...
KatieT6 profile image

Next Steps

So the nurse called me to confirm that no endo was found during my lap and I'm g...
Hidden profile image

Severe endo removed on Fri...Getting Decapeptyl injection today...but freaking out!

Hi, first post on here. I had my first lap on Friday. It went really well. The s...
Andy17 profile image

Endo help! Hospital or bed?

Please can someone help?! I had my operation in May to get rid of my endo whic...
Sophss24 profile image

Lap number 2

Hi everyone. Im due to have my second lap in 3 weeks time to see if my endometri...
Laura494 profile image

Does A&E help?

Hi everyone after being told I will be having my operation in September to then ...
CourtneyD profile image

Need help overcoming endo-fatigue!

HI, new here and need some advice. I am 20, at uni studying fine art and history...
daisylouise profile image

Endometriosis and Fibromyalgia help please :(

Hello, I am yet to get my date for my laparoscopy even though it was meant to b...
harrietkatie profile image

Sore sacrum and coccyx post lap

Hello, I had my first lap last week and had endo removed from the uterosacral li...
Maxi72 profile image

My story

I’d always suffered from problem periods which were painful and irregular. I mar...
CherylPea profile image

Histology report....

Hi Ladies, Does anyone know how long it takes for a histology report to come bac...
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