Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for November 2021

What are you craving today?

I have no idea why I am so hungry today. Maybe it's because the weather is chang...
LadyZen profile image

Late night thoughts

I'm 30 and my parents are both 62. Mom isn't at greatest health and my dad ok. B...


A little bit of kip.
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Make Sure You Understand Your Full Diagnosis

In February of 2021 I had my mental health intervention. I was diagnosed with GA...

Side effects

Curious if anything has suggestions for anti anxiety/depression medication that ...

Practicing acceptance while in action

Hi, hope all of you are as well as can be considering your particular circumstan...
Eklektik profile image

What makes me attracted to men online via social media called Facebook, but not to any men in real life? ?

While that may seem common, i am more interested in a guy that has been texting ...
Hidden profile image

anxiety AND depression

Hello! I am looking to talk with whomever about anxiety and depression… more so...
Sunny111 profile image

Is this a troll's house?

The river valley Pete and I walked up a few days ago to reach this little restau...
Kkimm profile image

Its taken two years....

Its taken 2 years for me to attempt clearing and tidying the bedroom and i am tr...
secrets22 profile image


Has anyone else found Sertraline is causing hairloss?😘🤗
Kam360 profile image

I apologize

I feel very ashamed for my last post in which I said I felt I wanted to die. I ...
Starrlight profile image

How to work wonders.

You can change your reality!

What to do when you feel lost?

I feel I am not good enough.. how do you find purpose?
Hidden profile image

Anxiety/Stress Quote of the day!

"Don't put too much thought into what will happen tomorrow or in the future, go ...
Sheshe18 profile image

is it wrong/against guidelines to promote your artwork here?

I think my etsy post was taken down unfortunately. Is there a guideline that say...
torpe profile image

Update on the guy, read the last post to know what happened

The guy finally messaged me the next day after we didn't talk and he told me the...


How do people get along taking pregabalin
Voltz profile image


I was texting my dad and he just stopped texting mid-conversation. Also my frie...
88cev88 profile image

Fairies garden

Here in Wales we have had a mild autumn with lots of rain. Suddenly everywhere t...
Kkimm profile image

good night to all

we have turn back the clock an hour on sunday and it really messes with my menta...
drummerboy1 profile image

Handling Sudden and Severe Anxiety and Depression

Married for 30 + years to a nice, confident, socially adept woman. We decided o...
Bobby5000 profile image

thanks you guys

thanks for sharing your thoughts and good vibes as i am blessed again witha no p...
drummerboy1 profile image

pushing through some naseau saturday

my bassist/guitar player are supposed to be here at my home around 5:30 pm satur...
drummerboy1 profile image

Just be

Life is busy for me. Go go go loud noises coming in going out But as I sit here ...
Starrlight profile image

one of the best saturdays i have had

i have found myself having almost no panic or anxiety mon-fri....i usually have ...
drummerboy1 profile image


Has anyone tried this for depression my doctor wouldn't increase the amitryptili...
Hidden profile image

post deletion project

i took down all my posts and replies to other members.i hope i might have helped...
drummerboy1 profile image

Dealing with Anxious Thoughts

Anxious thoughts are simply a distraction from how we feel - physically and emot...
CarlJames profile image

Failed dreams.

gerrerd profile image