Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for December 2020

Art cont

Trying a light water color approach jding thin acfylics Like cookinh Here ...
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How do you deal with being unemployed for almost a year?

I was laid off in March due to COVID, they brought us back in May and then a mon...
MRT1286 profile image


I am very lonely. I feel like ending my life. There is no purpose left.
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For you

My pets like to snuggle when I need comfort. They are very good boys. I wanted t...
BlueLlama profile image

New to anxiety

I had been diagnose with anxiety for the pass couple of weeks, I lost my mom in ...
FakeSmiles23 profile image

NEW HERE - looking for friends and support

I'm new here - looking for friends and anxiety support
NCflower67 profile image

what's going on?? please help

this is a really hard post for me to make. but it's been bothering me a lot late...
langedechu profile image


Gradually add layers of color. Salt to taste so speak
Hidden profile image

Social Anxiety As A Musician

I know I have posted about this topic before, but it is just still hindering my ...

Medication question

I was put on a medication a few days ago and I am currently having side effects ...
BSZ2020 profile image


Reference photo Draw outline
Hidden profile image

Horrible symptoms. Anxiety or not?

I don't even know if this is anxiety anymore. I'm at the end of my tether if I'm...
Mouse87 profile image

Drawing cont

Reference photo Outline Enjoy


Woke up this morning and I refuse to lay down to this panic, I got up and put my...
Armyguy profile image

Health Anxiety

The reason I have been so anxious these past few days is because I found a lump ...
thezenvirgo profile image

Be Gentle with Yourself

I’ve figured it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything so here I am. I know ho...

Family turmoil dad loves and spoils my little sister. Gives her what she wants when she...

Life feels meaningless

I am getting older and I still don't know what I want to do with my life. The pr...

Breaking point cant deal with it this

Im litterally at my breaking point now , i dont know what else to do or go , a w...
Chaseincc profile image

Mental health check

How’s your mental health ?
Hb2003 profile image

One thought !

gerrerd profile image

derealization (again)

i kind of just realized why life doesn't feel real lately. it's because it's the...
langedechu profile image

Groundhog Day

Everything feels like a repeat. I kinda hate my job because it feels pointless. ...
Rudolph26 profile image

Disability Denied

I suffer from major depressive disorder and extreme anxiety. I was fired from m...
Splendor profile image

Anyone tried St. John's wort?

I hear that St John's wort is helpful for depression and anxiety. Can anyone att...


Every little thing is so hard to get done and when done, no satisfaction. Runnin...


We are creatures of habits, which habit will we adopt or break?! Do we survive o...
Hidden profile image

My mother wishes I were dead

my mother beated me today and said many times that one day she will kill me. she...

Hello good morning 😊

Good morning 😊 i hope all of you are having a wonderful day Be kind be thought...
Hb2003 profile image


Can thyroid levels come back a little low on blood test be temporary?? Because i...